Share Your School Choice Story

National School Choice Week is approaching its 15th anniversary in 2025. To mark this milestone, and as part of our mission to inspire more families to explore their options, we are creating a booklet featuring inspiring stories of families who have experienced the transformative power of school choice firsthand.

The booklet aims to encourage more families to explore their options and make informed decisions about their children’s education.

Parents who submit their stories will receive a free Activity Packet in advance of National School Choice Week 2025. The packet includes a family activity workbook that will help you spread the word about school choice in your community.

By sharing your story, you will help raise awareness about the importance of educational options and empower families to make the best choices for their children’s education. And…to protect your privacy, we will only use your first name, city, and state if we republish your quote!

What is School Choice?

Get a quick rundown

Your School Choice Story

Read each question carefully. Then, answer each question in a way that is relevant to your personal school choice story. Your responses will help empower parents to choose the best education for their children.

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