We invite you to celebrate opportunity in education during National School Choice Week. You can plan any type of celebration, meeting, or activity during NSCW. Whatever you choose to plan, make sure that it meets your goals, and have fun!

Here are some ideas and inspiration to inspire your own creativity:

Activity Ideas

  1. Participate in the National School Choice Week Tweet Up on January 27 at 2 p.m. Eastern. Share positive messages with the hashtags #schoolchoice #SchoolChoiceWeek
  2. Fill out your NSCW placards and take photos for use in your newsletter or social media. Share your photos and videos with us by uploading here: SchoolChoiceWeek.com/Share or eamil to photos@nscwmainstage.wpengine.com
  3. Wear your NSCW scarves and take photos for use in your newsletter, marketing materials, or social media. Make sure to share them with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!
  4. Decorate your office with your NSCW signs.
  5. Write an opinion piece about school choice and educational opportunity for a local newspaper or website.
  6. Conduct radio and television interviews about school choice and education options.
  7. Learn and perform the National School Choice Week dance with your staff and friends: SchoolChoiceWeek.com/Dance

Event Ideas

  1. Visit local schools and celebrate talented students, parents, teachers, and school leaders.
  2. Host a student poster, essay, speech, or video contest and announce the winners during National School Choice Week.
  3. Host an “open house” at your office.
  4. Host a special breakfast, lunch, or dinner event to celebrate school choice options in your area.
  5. Work with local schools to plan an information session for parents or a school fair.
  6. Host a policy roundtable discussion to raise awareness of education options and discuss the policy aspects of school choice.
  7. Work with other organizations to plan a student showcase (talent show) or school choice celebration.