State: Ohio

Ohio expands public education funding, private school scholarships

Budgets don’t just matter for economists. Ohio’s freshly signed state budget (HB 33) will have a real, tangible impact on the lives of school-aged children and their families. If your child attends a public school, community school (known in other states as public charter schools), or private school, there are changes in store for you. The 6,000+ page bill includes a historic investment in K-12 education, expanding families’ choices across school types. Here are the highlights when it comes to your learning choices:

Private school scholarships now open to all 

The EdChoice Scholarship

Probably the biggest change for families is the budget’s expansion of private school scholarships. So if you think of private school as unaffordable, think again. 

Ohio’s Educational Choice (“EdChoice”) Scholarship program has been around since 2005 and currently serves about 65,000 students. The popular program provides vouchers to children across the state who wish to learn in a private school environment. Until now, the program has been open to students who attend specific low-performing schools or whose families are within 250% of the federal poverty level. But with the governor’s signature on Ohio’s new budget, any student in the state is eligible to apply! 

The scholarship will still prioritize low and middle-income families. Students from families up to 450% of the federal poverty level (about $135,000 for a family of four) can now apply and receive the full scholarship amount. That’s $6,165 for K-8 students and $8,407 for 9-12 students.

If your household income is above 450% of the federal poverty level, you can apply as well; you’ll just receive a partial scholarship adjusted based on income. You can view a chart of the sliding scale of scholarship amounts at the Ohio Department of Education to see what your family is eligible to receive. 

A few practical details: 

  • Where and how to apply: You can find details about how to apply for the EdChoice scholarship program at the Ohio Department of Education website. Generally, you must apply to a participating private school first. Then, once your child is accepted, the school can submit a scholarship application on your behalf. Questions about the program may be directed to
  • How to find which private schools participate in the EdChoice Program: You can find a list of participating private schools at the Ohio Department of Education website. More than 500 schools currently participate. 
  • When to apply by: The application window for the EdChoice Scholarship is currently open year-round. However, it is important to note that after October 15, 2023 the scholarship will be prorated.

While many school choice programs around the nation are tailored specifically to low-income children, children with special needs, or children in low-performing schools, a growing trend we’ve seen the past two years is that of universal eligibility — school scholarship programs opening up to all children. In addition to Ohio, other states that have passed programs with universal (or near universal) eligibility include Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Oklahoma, Utah, and West Virginia. 

The Autism Scholarship

Besides the EdChoice Scholarship, Ohio’s Autism Scholarship is expanding to allow more families to participate too. This long-running program gives Ohio students on the autism spectrum the opportunity to receive vouchers of up to $27,000 for education services, including private school tuition. 

In light of the new budget, the Autism Scholarship is being updated to be available to any child diagnosed with autism, regardless of whether they have an autism-related Individualized Education Plan (IEP). So, if your student has an autism diagnosis or their school district has identified them with autism, they are now eligible for this scholarship.

The Jon Peterson Scholarship

The budget also expands the amount available to students using Ohio’s Jon Peterson Scholarship. This scholarship is available to students with special needs who have an IEP from their public school district. The scholarship helps these students and their families pay for private therapies, private school tuition, and other services according to their IEP. 

Thanks to the new budget, the maximum award amount for the Jon Peterson Scholarship for students with IEPs is increasing from $27,000 to $32,445 in 2025.

The Cleveland Scholarship

As you can tell, Ohio is one of the few states in the country with several private school voucher programs! Another of these voucher programs — Ohio’s oldest publicly-funded school scholarship —  is the Cleveland Scholarship Program

HB 33 impacts this scholarship program too, increasing the scholarship amount to match the EdChoice Scholarships ($6,165 for K-8 students and $8,407 for 9-12 students) and eliminating the program’s geographical limits. 

Additional private school funding options

Keep in mind that, besides these voucher options, Ohio also has a tax-credit scholarship program to help offset private school costs. Plus, families enrolled in certain private schools (or homeschooling) can be eligible for a tax credit in Ohio. 

If you’re looking for more information about Ohio’s private school options, you may wish to check out the Ohio Department of Education for more details on state-run scholarships, or the Northwest Ohio Scholarship Fund for information about privately-funded scholarships.

Accountability – state approved assessments at the end of the year required for renewal. State-certified teachers.

No curriculum requirements changing to.

Community schools receive strong support  

While the budget makes several changes that expand families’ private school options, that’s not all it does. It also takes steps to support public charter schools, or community schools, in the state. Ohio’s community schools have historically received just about 70-75% of district funding, but that number will rise thanks to the new budget. 

For instance, the budget provides an extra $650 per pupil in both 2024 and 2025 for brick-and-mortar community schools. 

It also doubles facilities funding (from $500 per student to $1000 per student) for brick-and-mortar community schools. This is funding, for example, that can be used by your community school to purchase a building or expand classrooms. 

Plus, HB 33 increases special funding for high-performing community schools. For example, community schools with strong report cards will now receive an additional $3,000 for each economically disadvantaged student they serve. 

How will these changes impact the daily lives of community school families? More equitable funding will allow these schools to better support students with updated classrooms and learning resources. 

Funding increases for public school students

Last but certainly not least, a key aspect of Ohio’s new budget is its investment in traditional public school districts. Just how much does the budget invest? It adds an extra $1.5 billion to the state’s allocations for public education in 2024 and 2025. Here are more details: 

Currently, Ohio spends an average of $14,613 per public school student per year. HB 33 updates the state’s school funding formula, which will increase funding for traditional public education over the next two fiscal years. Besides traditional public school districts, vocational school districts will also benefit from this update. 

The budget aims to support career learning for Ohio students by providing funding for expansions at career-tech public schools. The budget includes a $200 million investment in new facilities and $100 million for equipment purchases. 

Is your child in high school? Starting in 2025, high school students who graduate in the top 5% of their classes may be eligible for up to $5,000/year in-state college scholarships.

The budget may impact your child’s teacher, too. New teachers will earn more money since the budget increases the minimum salary for teachers by $5,000 (from $30,000 to $35,000). 

Parents, here are a few more budget highlights: 

  • The budget offers school safety training grants so that public (and private) schools can better train school resource officials and educate students and staff on safety. 

As you can see, Ohio’s budget is far more than just numbers and statistics. With expansions across public and private school sectors, the new bill is giving families more robust options for the upcoming school year. With more than 1.6 million students enrolled in Ohio’s K-12 schools, a lot of lives will be changed!

If you’d like to learn more about the various scholarships that Ohio has to offer, you can visit School Choice Ohio or reach out to 800-673-5876 for more information.

Ohio State Guide

Choosing a school? You’ve got options.

Each spring, parents face one of the biggest decisions they can make for their child’s future: What school environment will their child spend about 1,000 hours in next year? 

Making that decision with confidence starts with knowing what options you have. You may have more school choices than you realize! Understanding these options can help you find a school where your child grows and learns to the best of their ability. Ohio families can choose from traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online learning, homeschooling, and microschooling and mix-and-match learning.

Interested in learning more about Ohio’s various school choice expansions? Check out our deep dive blog to guide you through it!

Ohio Traditional Public Schools

First off, you can choose traditional public school. Traditional public schools are free to attend, open to all students, operated by school districts, and funded by taxpayers like you. In Ohio, 80% of all K-12 students are enrolled in traditional public school.

Ohio spends, on average, $14,613 per public school student each year. You can search your school’s spending and that of nearby schools at Project Nickel. Ohio’s most recent budget increases funding (and the minimum teacher salary) for public schools over the next two years. Plus, thanks to the new budget, students who graduate in the top 5% of their classes at public high schools will be eligible for $5,000 annual college scholarships! 

Ohio offers some open enrollment for public school. Open enrollment refers to whether parents can choose to send their child to any public school in Ohio, regardless of their zip code or the location of the school. Based on Ohio’s laws, each school district in Ohio must have a clear policy regarding in-district transfer applications. For example, check out Willoughby-Eastlake’s application form for transfers within the district. Annually, each district can choose whether to allow for transfers between districts. So, contact your local school district if you wish to participate in open enrollment. Note that, in some cases in Ohio, there may be fees attached to student transfers.

In most open enrollment cases, parents are responsible for transportation to the new public school of choice, or at least for getting their student to a regular bus stop along the school’s route. Low-income families or those participating in a court-approved desegregation plan may be reimbursed for transportation to that bus stop or provided transportation directly, respectively.

If open enrollment is an option for you, you can visit multiple public schools in your area and discover which best fits your family. Of course, traditional public schools aren’t all the same. They may differ in learning methods and one may just “feel different” than another to you. 

Find out more about public schools in your state at the Ohio Department of Education.You can also learn more about open enrollment at “Public Schools Without Boundaries: A 50-State Ranking.”

Ohio Charter Schools

Charter schools are tuition-free public schools that have extra freedom to innovate with curriculum and learning methods. In Ohio, charter schools are commonly referred to as “Community Schools.” Community schools or charter schools have been allowed in Ohio since 1997. Today there are more than 300 such schools. 6.3% of all K-12 students in Ohio attend a public charter school. 

Each community school or public charter school has a charter explaining the school’s purpose and what community need it serves. That could be providing a technical track or offering a rigorous, literacy-based curriculum. One of the newest charter schools in Ohio is Cincinnati Classical Academy, which recently opened for K-7 students across 52 zip codes. If there are more families seeking admittance to a charter school than there are seats, a charter school usually uses a lottery system to randomly determine admittance. 

We talked to Dr. Landon Brown, principal at Emerson Academy, who shared how invested his charter school teachers and staff are in the local community.  “Current research suggests that urban students (particularly minority males) need to see teachers outside of the classroom environment first before they make a connection inside the classroom,” Brown said. “That old educational adage is true, ‘Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!’”

If your child attends an Ohio charter, they may soon receive additional funding. Ohio’s most recent budget provides for a brick-and-mortar community schools to receive an extra $650 per pupil in 2024 and 2025, as well as extra funding for facilities (like buildings and classrooms).

Free transportation is available to most students who attend charter schools. The local school district is required to provide transportation for all resident K–8 students who live more than 2 miles and within 30 minutes from the school. Students with special needs and an Individualized Education Program (IEP) are eligible for transportation assistance.

For more information about Ohio charters, you may wish to check out Fordham Institute’s Ohio Charter News Weekly.

Ohio Magnet Schools

Magnet schools are free public schools. They allow kids to zoom in on a specific learning track, such as engineering or the performing arts. At a magnet school, all the subjects are taught through the lenses of that specific track.

Ohio has several magnet schools scattered throughout the state. These might be a good option if your kid learns best by focusing in on a subject he or she is passionate about! For instance, you can read about Cincinnati Public Schools’ more than 20 magnet schools and programs. Meanwhile, Lima City Schools’ magnet schools include one with an arts theme. In Toledo, early college magnet students take electives at the University of Toledo, getting a jumpstart on college. And Reynoldsburg City Schools has state-designated STEM schools open to any child in the district. Contact your district to learn if there are magnet schools near you.

Ohio Private Schools

Ohio families can also choose private schools! In short, private schools are nonpublic schools that charge tuition. These learning environments may pass on a faith tradition, have a distinctive curriculum, or offer a personalized classroom environment. There are more than 1,200 private schools across the state of Ohio.

The average tuition for private schools in the state is $7,113 for elementary schools and $10,681 for high schools. But if you’re assuming private school isn’t affordable, think again. In 2023, Ohio’s Educational Choice Scholarship Program expanded: now every child in the state is eligible to apply. This program provides vouchers (worth up to $6,165 for K-8 students and up to $8,407 for 9-12 students) for families who wish to choose private school. 

Ohio offers several other state-run funding programs too. These include scholarship programs for students with autism and students with special needs. Both the Autism Scholarship Program and Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship Program expanded in 2023 to become available to even more families. Ohio’s Cleveland Scholarship Program, originally designed for families in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District who wished to choose private school, expanded in 2023 as well.

Plus, Ohio offers a scholarship program funded by tax-credit donations. Open to all students, this program gives priority to low-income families. Finally, families enrolled in certain private schools or homeschooling are eligible for a tax credit. In Ohio, 4.7% of all K-12 students are participating in a private school choice program.

Learn more at the Northwest Ohio Scholarship Fund and Private School Review: Ohio.

Ohio Online Learning

Whether your child wants to accelerate learning or needs a quieter environment, you may be interested in trying virtual school. Ohio families can choose from several free, full-time online schools, or “e-schools” as they are commonly called in The Buckeye State. These include Ohio Virtual Academy (the state’s largest online public school), Buckeye Online School for SuccessAlternative Education Academy, Quaker Digital Academy,  Greater Ohio Virtual SchoolGreat River Connections Academy, Ohio Connections Academy, and TRECA Digital Academy. Additionally, students aged 16-21 needing extra academic and emotional support to finish high school may be interested in Ohio Digital Learning School. 

You can find a complete list of Ohio’s e-schools at the Ohio Department of Education. These schools do have enrollment caps, which are adjusted annually. You can learn more about the Ohio online learning community at the Ohio e-School Families and Friends Coalition.

Finally, there are also district-run blended or completely online options, including the Cincinnati Digital Academy, Columbus City Schools’ Online Academy, Dayton Digital Academy, Cleveland metropolitan School District Virtual Academy, Toledo Public Schools’ Virtual Academy, and Middletown City Schools Virtual. Students in elementary through high school grades across more than 50 school districts in northwest Ohio may enroll full-time or part-time in courses through Northwest Ohio Virtual Academy at no cost, but they must register through their district. Plus, any student in Ohio can be enrolled in the Virtual Learning Academy or Blue Sky Virtual Academy with their district’s permission. Each district determines availability, acceptance, and logistics for their students’ courses. Reach out to your district to learn what options are open to you!

In Ohio, districts that operate an online learning school must provide all online students a computer and access to the internet at no cost. To read more about online learning in Ohio, check out the Digital Learning Collaborative’s state profile.

Ohio Homeschooling

Homeschooling is another choice available to Ohio families. Homeschooling is the process of parents educating students at home and is permitted in all 50 states.

In Ohio, 2.8% of all K-12 students are homeschooled. It is required that you provide notice of your intent to homeschool no later than the first week of school or within one week of withdrawal.  You must also provide notice annually and if you move. In the case that you decide to return to public school in the middle of the school year, contact your local school to determine their process.

The state requires homeschooling parents to teach specific subjects (like language, math, and Ohio history) and assess their students annually. Note that homeschooled students in Ohio may still be eligible to participate in sports or classes at local public schools.

Ohio offers funding assistance if a homeschool student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP). These students may qualify for the Peterson Scholarship. Also, homeschool families in Ohio are eligible for a $250 tax credit for learning expenses

If you are looking for a highly customizable and flexible education for your child and think homeschooling could fit the bill, check out the Ohio Department of Education’s Homeschooling page, Ohio Homeschooling ParentsHome School Legal Defense Association – Ohio, and the Christian Home Educators of Ohio.

Ohio Microschools and Mix-and-Match Learning

Today, many Ohio families are mixing and matching school options to come up with new ways to personalize education. Microschools are one of these ways. A microschool refers to students gathering together in a small group – with adult supervision – to learn, explore, and socialize. Microschools can take a variety of shapes and legal forms, from homeschoolers coming together at an enrichment center to a private school committed to small classrooms. What microschools share in common is a commitment to small-group learning and close-knit relationships, along with an emphasis on children as individual learners. 

Here are a couple of real examples of microschools and related resources in your state:  

  • Founded in 2019, Bloom Learning Community is the first learner-centered microschool in Cleveland. Families can choose the program to supplement homeschooling or as an affordable private school option. 


  • Acton Academy Columbus utilizes multi-age classrooms, self-directed learning, and peer-to-peer collaboration in a small, private school environment.


  • Azalea Montessori School is a microschool providing an authentic Montessori education for children up to the age of 12 in Norwood, Ohio.


Remember, microschooling is more a mentality than a specific legal distinction in most cases. Often, a family participates in a microschool while legally homeschooling, or being enrolled in a private or online school. 

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School Type
Traditional public schools do not charge tuition. They are managed by school districts and do not require students to pass tests to enroll.
Public charter schools do not charge tuition. They are usually managed by nonprofit organizations and do not require students to pass tests to enroll.
Public magnet schools do not charge tuition. They are managed by school districts and focus on themes, such as math, science, technology, and the arts.
Private schools charge tuition, but scholarships are often available via state programs or by individual schools. Private schools are privately managed and can be faith-based or secular.
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Landmarks Across America Shine for School Choice Week 2024!

Did you witness the magic of National School Choice Week 2024? Starting January 21st, close to three dozen landmarks and notable buildings from Alaska to New York lit up in dazzling shades of yellow and red and created a vibrant celebration of K-12 education opportunities!


JL Tower in Anchorage, Alaska

January 21-27, 2024



Junction Bridge in Little Rock, Arkansas

January 26, 2024

Little Rock

Main Street Bridge in Little Rock, Arkansas

January 26, 2024

Little Rock

Union Plaza in Little Rock, Arkansas

January 21-27, 2024

Little Rock


“M” at Box Springs Mountain in Moreno Valley, California

January 26, 2024

Moreno Valley

Union Station in Los Angeles, California

January 21-27, 2024

Los Angeles


Las Olas Centre in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

January 21-27, 2024

Fort Lauderdale

Platt Street Bridge in Tampa, Florida

January 22, 2024


Kennedy Blvd Bridge in Tampa, Florida

January 22, 2024


Old City Hall in Tampa, Florida

January 22, 2024



One Atlantic Center in Atlanta, Georgia

January 22, 2024



Aloha Tower in Honolulu, Hawaii

January 21-27, 2024



8th and Main Tower in Boise, Idaho

January 21-27, 2024



The Wrigley Building in Chicago, Illinois

January 25, 2024


Willis Tower in Chicago, Illinois

January 21, 2024



AES Building in Indianapolis, Indiana

January 21, 2024



Old State Capitol in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

January 21-27, 2024

Baton Rouge

State Capitol in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

January 21-27, 2024

Baton Rouge

The Governors Mansion in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

January 21-27, 2024

Baton Rouge


Lowry Avenue Bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota

January 26, 2024



Waldo Water Tower in Kansas City, Missouri

January 21-27, 2024

Kansas City


Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge in Omaha, Nebraska

January 23, 2024


New York

Peace Bridge in Buffalo, New York

January 24, 2024


North Carolina

550 South Tryon Tower in Charlotte, North Carolina

January 27, 2024



Dublin Link Bridge in Dublin, Ohio

January 26, 2024


Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio

January 21-27, 2024



Choctaw Casino and Resort in Durant, Oklahoma

January 21-27, 2024


SkyDance Bridge in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

January 25, 2024

Oklahoma City


Salem Convention Center in Salem, Oregon

January 20, 2024



The Symphony House Condo in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

January 26, 2024


Koppers Building in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

January 24, 2024


Gulf Tower in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

January 24, 2024


South Carolina

Governor’s Mansion in Columbia, South Carolina

January 21-27, 2024



Columbia Town Center in Seattle, Washington

January 23, 2024



Marian H. Rochelle Gateway Center in Laramie, Wyoming

January 23, 2024 


If you know of a building in your community that would light up for National School Choice Week, please reach out to our team! Send us an email.

For journalists covering the Week, more information and resources to enhance your coverage on a variety of platforms can be found on our media resources page. For families interested in discovering more about the different school choice options available in their home state please visit your state page for a detailed roadmap.

National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, charter, magnet, online, private, and homeschooling.

Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities.  The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation.