
Event State: Pennsylvania

2025 Harrisburg – Celebración en el Capitolio

2025 Harrisburg – Celebración en el Capitolio

Reserva la Fecha

Martes 28 de enero, 2025

10:00 am


11:00 am


Pennsylvania State Capitol


Únase a PA Families for Education Choice y a la National School Choice Awareness Foundation para celebrar las opciones escolares en el Capitolio Estatal de Pensilvania el 25 de enero, de 10:00 a 11:00 am.

Llevaremos estudiantes de todo el estado al Capitolio para organizar una conferencia de prensa en la rotonda del Capitolio, destacando las numerosas opciones escolares de nuestro estado y las oportunidades que ofrecen a las familias.

Con la participación de estudiantes, padres y oradores legislativos, este evento será una emocionante oportunidad para que los estudiantes aprendan sobre el Capitolio estatal y para que los legisladores escuchen a estudiantes, familias y educadores sobre la importancia de las opciones escolares. ¡No se lo pierdan!


Martes 28 de enero, 2025

10:00 am


11:00 am



Pennsylvania State Capitol

501 N 3rd St





Cómo Llegar


 Evento organizado por PA Families for Education Choice

Haz la Diferencia Hoy

¡Puedes ayudar a informar, inspirar y empoderar a las familias de tu comunidad y estado apoyando una feria escolar durante la Semana Nacional de la Opciones Escolares!

La Semana Nacional de Opciones Escolares (National School Choice Week) 2025 contará con numerosas ferias escolares a gran escala en varios estados, ofreciendo a los padres oportunidades únicas para explorar diversas opciones educativas,incluyendo escuelas públicas, chárter, magnet, privadas, en línea, escuelas en casa y micro-escuelas.

2025 Harrisburg – Feria Escolar

2025 Harrisburg – Feria Escolar

Reserva la Fecha

Sábado 1 de febrero, 2025

12:00 pm


3:00 pm


Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts

Regístrate para asistir

¿Eres padre/madre de familia?(Required)
¿Qué tipos de escuela estás buscando?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


¡Las familias en Pensilvania tienen más opciones que nunca para la educación de sus hijos! Padres: conozcan más sobre las diferentes opciones escolares K–12 disponibles para sus hijos en la Feria Escolar de Harrisburg, el 1 de febrero, de 12:00 pm a 3:00 pm, en el Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts.

En la feria escolar, tendrán la oportunidad de conocer a representantes de escuelas públicas tradicionales, chárter, magnet, privadas, basadas en la fe, escuela en línea, escuela en casa y opciones educativas no tradicionales. Además pueden hacer preguntas y resolver sus dudas.

La Feria Escolar de Harrisburg es organizada por PA Families for Education Choice en colaboración con la National School Choice Awareness Foundation.

Es un evento familiar, gratuito y contará con comida de cortesía, pintacaritas y artistas de globos. ¡Confirmen su asistencia hoy mismo!


Sábado 1 de febrero, 2025

12:00 pm


3:00 pm



Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts

222 Market Street





Cómo Llegar


Evento organizado por  PA Families for Education Choice

Haz la Diferencia Hoy

¡Puedes ayudar a informar, inspirar y empoderar a las familias de tu comunidad y estado apoyando una feria escolar durante la Semana Nacional de la Opciones Escolares!

La Semana Nacional de Opciones Escolares (National School Choice Week) 2025 contará con numerosas ferias escolares a gran escala en varios estados, ofreciendo a los padres oportunidades únicas para explorar diversas opciones educativas,incluyendo escuelas públicas, chárter, magnet, privadas, en línea, escuelas en casa y micro-escuelas.

2025 Harrisburg Capitol Celebration

2025 Harrisburg Capitol Celebration

Save the Date

Tue, January 28, 2025

10:00 am


11:00 am


Pennsylvania State Capitol


Please join PA Families for Education Choice and the National School Choice Awareness Foundation for a celebration of school choice at the Pennsylvania State Capitol on January 25th from 10:00 – 11:00am!

We will bring students from all over the state to the Capitol to host a press conference in the rotunda of the capitol to highlight many of our state’s educational options and the opportunities they offer to families. Featuring student, parent and legislative speakers, this event will be an exciting opportunity for students to learn about the state capitol, and for legislators to hear from students, families and educators about the importance of school choice!


Tue, January 28, 2025

10:00 am


11:00 am



Pennsylvania State Capitol

501 N 3rd St





Get Directions


This event is hosted by PA Families for Education Choice

Make a Difference Today

You can help inform, inspire, and empower families in your community and state by supporting a school fair during National School Choice Week!

National School Choice Week 2025 features numerous large-scale school fairs in multiple states, offering parents unique opportunities to explore various schooling options, including public, charter, magnet, private, online, home, and microschooling environments.

2025 Harrisburg School Fair

2025 Harrisburg School Fair

Save the Date

Sat, February 1, 2025

12:00 pm


3:00 pm


Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts

Sign up to Attend

Please enter a number from 1 to 12.
Are you a parent?(Required)
What school types are you looking for?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Families in Pennsylvania have more choices for their children’s education than ever before! Parents: learn more about the different K–12 education options available for your kids at the Harrisburg School Fair on February 1st, from 12:00pm – 3:00pm, at the Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts.
At the school fair, you’ll have the chance to meet representatives from traditional public, public charter, public magnet, private, faith-based, online, home, and nontraditional schooling options, and have your questions answered.
The Harrisburg School Fair is hosted by PA Families for Education Choice in collaboration with the National School Choice Awareness Foundation. It’s family-friendly, free to attend, and will include complimentary food, face painting and balloon artists. RSVP today!


Sat, February 1, 2025

12:00 pm


3:00 pm



Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts

222 Market Street





Get Directions


This event is organized by PA Families for Education Choice

Make a Difference Today

You can help inform, inspire, and empower families in your community and state by supporting a school fair during National School Choice Week!

National School Choice Week 2025 features numerous large-scale school fairs in multiple states, offering parents unique opportunities to explore various schooling options, including public, charter, magnet, private, online, home, and microschooling environments.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro issues a proclamation recognizing January 21-27, 2024 as Pennsylvania School Choice Week

Download Proclamation

There are a variety of school choice options available for many of the 2.7 million children living in Pennsylvania. Families in Pennsylvania can choose from traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online academies, and homeschooling.

If you’re a parent looking for school choice options for your child head to our Pennsylvania State Guide.

National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, charter, magnet, online, private, and homeschooling.

Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities.  The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation.