
Tag: school spirit

Write a Letter to the Editor

If school choice has impacted you or your child, one of the ways you can raise awareness about opportunity in education is by telling your story. Writing a letter to your local newspaper is one great way to do that. In fact, your letter might help a mom find a safer school option for a child who is being bullied. Or, it might spark a conversation between a dad and his daughter about what she likes about school and what she dreams to do in the future.

A letter to the editor is a short (250 words or less) contribution to a newspaper. It’s a way of adding to local conversation about an important issue by sharing your perspective.

We’ve offered some sample letters to the editor about school choice below to get creative juices flowing. But, the more you personalize your letter – how does school choice affect your city, your school, your family? – the more likely your paper will be to publish it and share your story with others.

After writing your letter, you can simply email it to the editor at your local newspaper. We’d suggest submitting your letter by January 22 for the best shot of being published during National School Choice Week (January 26 to February 1).


Letter to the Editor – From a Parent

Dear Editor,

School choice is an important part of American freedom – and it makes a huge difference in the daily lives of families like mine. 

My family will be celebrating National School Choice Week this January 26 to February 1, along with tens of thousands of others across the country. The Week recognizes that families have unique values, challenges, motivations, and health needs, and having options is a game-changer for us.

As a parent, if your child is going to spend the majority of their waking life in school, you want it to be a place where they are safe, respected, and inspired. Having access to a school choice that works for your child can be the difference between watching your child cry when it’s time to go to school or watching her get ready early, eager to see classmates and teachers. It can be the difference between worrying that your child will feel marginalized or knowing your child learns in an environment that values student and teacher diversity. 

Some speak of school choice as if it’s political… it really isn’t. It’s a simple human reality that kids learn differently. Schools exist to assist parents in educating their kids. Supporting each family in accessing the choice that helps their child succeed should be something we can all get behind. 

That’s what my family is celebrating this National School Choice Week. I hope you’ll celebrate your school choice, whatever it may be, and stand up for the rights of other families to determine the best choice for their child.


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Letter to the Editor – From a Student

Dear Editor,

This National School Choice Week (January 26 to February 1), I believe all families in Kansas should celebrate the school choices available in our state. 

As a junior at Hemingway High School, there have been many positive ways that my school choice, my classmates, and my teachers have helped me develop as a person. School Choice Week reminds me to take the time to say thank you to the people who have made a difference in my education and helped me discover my strengths and passions.

Not everyone learns the same way as I do. I have friends who attend different schools for various reasons. I believe it’s a good thing that different school choices are available to them. As a community, we should be doing everything we can to make sure learning options are accessible to every kid, not just those with resources. 

What my generation learns in classrooms today will help determine what the world looks like ten years from now. Awesome school choices are the best way to prepare us for a strong future. I hope you’ll join me in celebrating National School Choice Week.


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Letter to the Editor – From an Educator

As a teacher at Hemingway High School, I’ll be celebrating National School Choice Week with my students from January 26 to February 1. We’re celebrating our close-knit school family, our students’ achievements, and the ways we’re able to give back to the broader community.

This Week is a wonderful time for educators to celebrate K-12 learning and what their school brings to their local town or county. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of the academic year, but it’s important to pause and celebrate what makes each learning environment unique. 

Every child deserves a classroom where they can develop their gifts to the best of their ability. For this to be the case, families need access to large classrooms, small classrooms, schools with specialized resources, schools with various focuses and curricula, and so on. Supporting strong school choices of every type can get us there. 

As an educator, I hope for a day when every child has access to a school choice that matches their learning needs and allows them to fulfill their potential. National School Choice Week  is a time to celebrate great school choices and communities where they exist and spotlight the need for them where they do not.


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