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Everything Parents Need to Know about Georgia’s Promise Scholarship

K-12 educational opportunities are expanding in the Peach State!

Georgia has paved the way for greater educational opportunities by passing the Georgia Promise Scholarship Act. This revolutionary bill will create a new scholarship program to expand education options for Georgia students. Launching in 2025, this program will allow eligible families to receive funds amounting to $6,500 in an online savings account to pay for tuition, homeschool expenses, and other personalized expenses. 

Georgia is the third state to pass an education savings account law in 2024, joining 15 other states that have either launched or are in the process of launching an education savings account program!

What is the Georgia Promise Scholarship Act? 

The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act will be the state’s first education savings account program for students whose neighborhood public school is not meeting their needs. The new Promise Scholarships will provide up to $6,500 per student per year for eligible education expenses in an alternative learning environment. With eligible education expenses ranging from private school tuition fees to tutoring costs, the Promise Scholarship Program will give thousands of students more opportunities to find an education that challenges them and meets their needs. 

Who is eligible to apply for a Georgia Promise Scholarship? 

Unlike some ESA programs in other states like Arizona and Utah, the Georgia Promise Scholarship program will not be universally available. However, more than half a million students statewide will be eligible to apply. 

To qualify for a Promise Scholarship Account, students must meet certain criteria:

  • Students must be zoned into the lowest-performing 25% of Georgia schools (you can check a map of Georgia’s lowest-performing public schools at the Georgia Center for Opportunity)
  • Students must have been enrolled in such a school for at least one year (two consecutive semesters) or be entering kindergarten 
  • Student’s parents must have been Georgia residents for at least one year (unless they are active duty military service members stationed in Georgia within the previous year)

Priority will be given to students whose parents earn less than 400% of the federal poverty line (about $120,000 a year for a family of four in 2024); however, this is not a requirement to qualify. 

Currently, the Promise Scholarship program has a funding cap of 1% of public school funding. If fully funded at this level, it could provide scholarships to over 21,000 students.

What are eligible educational expenses for the Georgia Promise Scholarship program? 

The Georgia Promise Scholarship Act lays out seven different categories of educational expenses. These are: 

  • Tuition, fees, and required textbooks for eligible core courses and eligible CTAE courses at a participating school, accredited community college or postsecondary education institution, or nonpublic online learning program or course;
  • Tutoring services provided by an educator certified by the Professional Standards Commission;
  • Payment for purchasing a curriculum, including any supplemental materials required;
  • Services from a physician or therapist, like occupational, behavioral, physical, or speech-language therapies;
  • Up to $500 / year to a fee-for-service transportation provider for transportation to or from a participating school or service provider;
  • Fees for the management of account funds
  • Other expenses are authorized by the State Board of Education or the education savings authority, and a majority of the parent review committee authorizes individual education expenses. 

It’s worth pointing out that the bill calls for a parent review committee to help determine what should be counted as qualified education expenses. This committee will help the education savings authority by reviewing purchases and service provider applications. 

Additionally, students participating in the program will be required to take a national norm-referenced test or state assessment test. The education savings authority will collect this data and other data, such as the graduation rates of participating students, to evaluate the program.

When will Promise Scholarships be available?

The Georgia Promise Scholarships will be open for the 2025-26 academic year. However, the scholarship program has a 10-year expiration date, which means that it will sunset on June 30, 2035.

How will families apply for and use the ESA?

The Education Savings Authority will be establishing some guidelines for this program, and families will have to fill out an application form to participate. The application periods will open every quarter.

Families who participate in the program will be required to ensure that their child receives an education in reading, grammar, mathematics, social studies, and science. They will also have to agree not to enroll their child in a public school, except for part-time enrollment in a college and career academy, which is allowed.

If a family is approved, they will receive funds every quarter, which they can use to pay for their child’s education expenses. This money is non-taxable and can only be used for educational expenses.

If the money provided by the program is not enough to cover all of the expenses, the family will have to pay the rest. However, some schools may offer additional scholarships or discounts to help with the costs.

If any money is left over at the end of a school year, up to 50% of it can be rolled over to the following year. However, if the account is inactive for two years or the student graduates, the account will be closed.

Families will be able to use a system to direct the money to their schools or service providers. The program aims to limit the amount of money families have to pay out of pocket, but some expenses may require pre-approval or reimbursement.

What else do we know about the Promise Scholarships? 

Many families may choose to use their Promise Scholarship to attend a private school. Families will be able to select from any private school that opts to participate in the program. Georgia has many diverse private schools across the state. According to EdChoice, 79% of Georgia students live within 10 minutes of a private school, and more than 95% live within a 20-minute drive

If a school requires a partial tuition payment before the start of the school year to reserve space for a student, the education savings authority can make such a payment, as long as it is no more than $1,000. That amount will then be deducted from the student’s first quarterly payment. 

The bill requires participating schools to be accredited or in the process of obtaining accreditation. Schools will not be required to change their creed, curricula, employment policies, or admission policies to participate in the program. 

In the meantime, parents should…

The new scholarship program in Georgia is still being developed, which means there might be updates before its official launch. If families want to be fully prepared for any private school choice program launch, there are a few important things parents should consider.

Before starting any application, parents should: 

  • Check out the list of participating schools and providers. Evaluate whether they would meet your children’s needs. Inquire whether schools or providers have any availability. This list will be available shortly before the application window opens.
  • Familiarize yourself with the eligibility requirements. Ensure that you meet all requirements, including residency, age of the beneficiary, and income restrictions.
  • Estimate your child’s future education expenses, considering factors such as tuition, fees, books, supplies, and other related costs.
  • Stay informed about any updates or announcements regarding the launch of the state program by subscribing to newsletters, following relevant government agencies or organizations on social media, and regularly checking official websites for updates.
  • Gather any required documentation for you and your children, such as proof of residency, identification documents, and social security numbers.

Other school choice options in Georgia

Georgia offers various other school scholarships and choice opportunities. For private schools, it provides a tax-credit scholarship funded by private donations; this currently serves nearly 20,000 students. Georgia also has a voucher program for students with special needs

The biggest difference between these existing programs and Georgia’s Promise Scholarship program is that the Promise Scholarships allow families more flexible options for customizing their child’s learning. 

It’s important to note that students cannot participate in the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Act and the Promise Scholarship at the same time. 

In addition to private school choice options, Georgia families have a range of educational choices, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schoolsonline learning, homeschooling, microschooling and mix-and-match learning.

Other public school expansions

The new bill aims to clarify the rules for public school students who wish to make an inter-district transfer, which refers to transferring students between a public school in one district and a public school in another. This bill will make it easier for Georgia students to choose the public school that best fits them, even if they live in a different district. Additionally, the bill increases tax credit opportunities for donations made to public schools.

What are people in Georgia saying?

Georgia families are thrilled about the new Georgia Promise scholarship, with increasing interest in non-traditional education across the state, this scholarship is a game-changer. It provides more opportunities and flexibilities for various educational paths, including private, microschooling, and homeschooling.

As the current landscape of education is rapidly changing, more and more families are exploring alternative avenues for learning. According to estimates from the National Microschooling Center, around 1.5 million K-12 students are enrolled in microschools nationwide. In Georgia, homeschooling accounts for 4.1% of all K-12 students, a number that jumped from 59,958 in 2015 to over 91,000 students in 2022. Against this backdrop, the Georgia Promise scholarship marks a significant turning point, particularly for those who are seeking non-traditional education options.

With Georgia’s Promise Scholarship in place, Georgia families can now pursue a wide range of educational paths that best suit the needs of their children.

Learn more

Over 900,000 students nationwide use school choice programs to personalize their education. As Georgia’s new scholarship program is established, we expect to receive more details. Stay tuned for further updates!

If you’d like to learn more, you can keep an eye out for updates at Georgia’s Department of Education, Georgia Student Finance Commission, and GeorgiaCAN.

Share Your School Choice Story

National School Choice Week is approaching its 15th anniversary in 2025. To mark this milestone, and as part of our mission to inspire more families to explore their options, we are creating a booklet featuring inspiring stories of families who have experienced the transformative power of school choice firsthand.

The booklet aims to encourage more families to explore their options and make informed decisions about their children’s education.

Parents who submit their stories will receive a free Activity Packet in advance of National School Choice Week 2025. The packet includes a family activity workbook that will help you spread the word about school choice in your community.

By sharing your story, you will help raise awareness about the importance of educational options and empower families to make the best choices for their children’s education. And…to protect your privacy, we will only use your first name, city, and state if we republish your quote!

What is School Choice?

Get a quick rundown

Your School Choice Story

Read each question carefully. Then, answer each question in a way that is relevant to your personal school choice story. Your responses will help empower parents to choose the best education for their children.

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A Parent’s Guide to Navigating Wyoming’s Education Savings Account (ESA) Program

Families in the Cowboy State will soon have more funding options when it comes to K-12 education! 

Wyoming has paved the way for educational empowerment with the passing of the Wyoming Education Savings Account Act. This revolutionary bill will create a private school choice program program called an education savings account (ESA) program. Launching in 2025, this program will provide eligible families the opportunity to receive ESAs amounting to up to $6,000 to fund private school tuition, homeschool expenses, and other personalized education expenses.

What is the Wyoming Education Savings Account Act?

The Wyoming Education Savings Account Act will be Wyoming’s first-ever ESA initiative, providing funding for K-12 education. Unlike regular scholarships, ESAs offer greater flexibility in utilizing the funds, as they can be applied to a wide range of educational expenses, including private school tuition, tutoring fees, college placement exams, after-school education programs, and more.

Under this new initiative, participating parents will receive up to $6,000 per year in an online account for their child’s education. This will enable families to use their ESA funds for eligible learning expenses of their choice. By providing this level of support, the program aims to make education more accessible and affordable for families across the state.

Wyoming is the second state to pass an education savings account law in 2024, placing it alongside 14 other states that have either an active or ongoing process of launching an education savings account program. 

Who is eligible to apply for Wyoming’s ESA?

Wyoming’s program will be open to pre-K-12 students from low-income families. Students whose family income is at or below 150% of the federal poverty level (about $46,800 for a family of four) will receive up to $6,000. That means 21% of the state is eligible for the program!

Families who are currently homeschooling can choose to participate in the ESA program and continue to educate their children at home. While their daily schooling experience may not look much different than traditional homeschooling, it is important to note that they will need to meet some requirements not mandated for other homeschoolers in the state. No homeschooler is required to participate in the program; families can choose either way!

To be eligible, students must be at least 4 years-old by August 1 of the year in which an ESA application is submitted.

It’s good to note that students who participate in the ESA program, whether they choose a private school or homeschool, are mandated to take a standardized assessment, a nationally norm-referenced achievement test, or a nationally recognized aptitude assessment.

What are eligible expenses?

Wyoming’s new ESA can be used for at least 16 different uses! Some of these eligible expenses include:

  • Tuition and fees at a participating school
  • Tutoring services (as long as the tutoring is not provided by a student’s immediate family); 
  • Classes or extracurricular activities at a traditional public or public charter school; 
  • Textbooks and curriculum; 
  • Educational technology; 
  • School uniforms; fees for summer education programs and after-school education; 
  • Educational therapies like behavioral or speech-language therapy;
  • Costs for college admission tests and AP exams
  • Transportation costs to education service providers. 

A wide range of expenses are eligible under Wyoming’s ESA program, making it one of the most flexible in the country. Additionally, Wyoming’s ESA legislation states that the state superintendent has the authority to approve other educational expenses that do not strictly fit into one of the categories but fit within the spirit of the law.  

When does Wyoming’s new ESA program begin?

Wyoming’s ESA program will kick off for the 2025-2026 school year for eligible families! Applications will start being accepted no later than January 1, 2025. 

How will families apply for and use the ESA?

The state superintendent must establish guidelines for families to apply for an ESA and prove that their child is eligible. The guidelines include an online form that parents can submit and a list of certified providers.

As long as families remain eligible and do not withdraw from the ESA program, funds will be deposited quarterly into their ESA online account. 

Families may be permitted to receive a partial payment of tuition or fees early if the education service provider (such as a private school or public charter school) requires it before the school year starts. The amount would be deducted from their next quarterly ESA deposit. 

Wyoming’s ESA is quite flexible but does come with basic accountability requirements. For example, it requires parents who participate in the ESA program to ensure that their children are instructed in reading, writing, math, civics (including the study of the U.S. Constitution and Wyoming state constitution), history, literature, and science, at minimum. 

It’s good to note that families who withdraw from the ESA and enroll full-time in public schools should notify the superintendent, who may close the ESA.

As Wyoming’s new ESA program is set up, we expect to see more information soon. Stay tuned for updates! 

In the meantime, parents should…

As Wyoming’s new ESA program is still under development, there may be updates flowing in before its official launch. To be well-prepared for the launch of any Education Savings Account (ESA), there are a few key things that you should consider. 

Before starting any application, parents should: 

  • Check out the list of participating schools and providers, evaluate whether they would meet their children’s needs, and inquire whether schools or providers have any availability. (This list will launch shortly before the application window opens)
  • Familiarize yourself with the eligibility criteria. Ensure that you meet all requirements, including residency, age of the beneficiary, and income restrictions.
  • Estimate your child’s future education expenses, taking into account factors such as tuition, fees, books, supplies, and other related costs. 
  • Keep yourself informed about any updates or announcements regarding the launch of the state ESA program. Subscribe to newsletters, follow relevant government agencies or organizations on social media, and regularly check official websites for updates.
  • Gather any necessary documentation required to open an ESA, such as proof of residency, identification documents, and social security numbers for both you and your children.

Other school choice options in Wyoming

In addition to the ESA program, Wyoming families have a range of educational choices, including traditional public schools, private schools, online learning, homeschooling, microschooling and mix-and-match learning. Charter school is another option for families located in Riverton, Laramie, Chugwater, and Cheyenne. 

Learn more

Wyoming has become the fifteenth state to pass an education savings account. Across the country, more than 90,000 students use ESAs to customize their learning. While Wyoming’s program shares some of the features and flexibility of other states’ programs, it also has unique features of its own! Other states that expanded choice programs in 2023 include Iowa, Florida, Utah, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, Montana, and South Carolina.

As Wyoming’s new ESA program is set up, we expect to see more information soon. Stay tuned for further updates! For now, families can visit families can check out Wyoming’s ESA Information Hub for more information on participation requirements, qualifications, updates, and more.

To learn more, families can visit the Wyoming State Department of Education and Private School Review: Wyoming.

Alabama Creates New Tax-Credit Education Savings Account for K-12 students

From Birmingham to Mobile, Alabama, families will soon have new choices regarding their children’s K-12 education! A landmark bill, HB 129, passed by lawmakers, will create a flexible school scholarship program called an education savings account (ESA) program. Launching in 2025, this program will allow participating families to receive ESAs of up to $7,000 to fund private school tuition, homeschool expenses, or other personalized learning costs. 

What is the CHOOSE Act?

Alabama made history by passing the Creating Hope & Opportunity for Our Children (CHOOSE) Act. This bill creates the state’s first ESA program and makes Alabama the first state to pass an ESA bill in 2024. 

What exactly is an ESA? Like a scholarship, an ESA provides funding for a student’s K-12 education. What makes an ESA unique is flexibility: ESA funds can be applied not just to private school tuition, but also to costs such as tutoring fees, college placement exams, afterschool education programs, and more. Alabama’s new ESA, and other ESAs around the country, are designed to give parents more options for personalizing their child’s education. 

In brief, here’s what Alabama’s ESA program will look like: Participating parents will be able to receive up to $7,000 per year in an online account for their child’s education. Families will be able to use their ESA funds for eligible learning expenses of their choice, from paying tuition at that private Montessori school they’ve always hoped their child could attend to purchasing a laptop for homeschool work. While the program will initially be open to low-income students and students with special needs, it will become “universal” in 2027. This means that all Alabama students will be eligible to apply at that time. 

With the funding allocated by the Alabama CHOOSE Act (a minimum of $100 million), up to 14,000 or more Alabama students could participate in the ESA program, according to some estimates. 

As the new program is established, we anticipate receiving more information soon. Stay tuned for further updates!

When will Alabama’s new ESA program launch? 

Alabama’s ESA program will kick off for the 2025-2026 school year for students with special needs and low and middle-income families. It will become open to families of all income levels starting in 2027! 

Who is eligible to apply for Alabama’s ESA?

Every year, the first 500 spots in the program are reserved for students with special needs, such as students with a 504 or Individualized Education Plan. It is important to note that these spots are not subject to income limitations. 

The remaining spots in the first and second years of the program will be available to families with incomes of up to 300 percent of the federal poverty level (about $77,460 for a family of three). From 2027 onwards, families of all income levels will be able to apply, with priority given to low-income families.

Homeschoolers who meet the income eligibility are also welcome to apply for ESAs but are subject to a different funding cap than those enrolling in a participating school. Parents of a homeschool child can receive ESA funds of up to $2,000 for their student. Parents with multiple homeschooling children can receive ESA funds of up to $4,000 total. 

Whether they choose a private school or homeschool, students who participate in the ESA program are required to take a standardized assessment, a nationally norm-referenced achievement test, or a nationally recognized aptitude assessment of their school’s choice. (In some cases, students with disabilities may be exempt from this testing requirement.)

What are eligible educational expenses?

So, what expenses can families use Alabama’s new ESA program for? Here are the approved expenses:

  • Tuition and fees at a participating school
  • Textbooks
  • Fees for after-school or summer education programs at a participating school
  • Private tutoring
  • Curricula
  • Tuition for a nonpublic online learning program
  • Educational software
  • Costs for college admission tests and AP exams
  • Education services for students with disabilities from a licensed or accredited practitioner
  • Contracted services provided by a public school district

As you can see, families can use their ESA to choose from an array of private, online, and homeschool options, as well as public school offerings that charge tuition!  

How will families apply for and use the ESA? 

The Alabama Department of Revenue will manage and administer the program and establish guidelines for families who wish to apply. These guidelines will include deadlines and the required paperwork that families must submit. 

Under the law, the department will be required to set up a system that allows parents to make periodic payments from their online accounts directly to their child’s school or education service provider. The aim will be to make it easy for parents to pay for their child’s education and ensure their payments are timely and efficient. 

Additionally, the department will create and update a list on its website of what schools and education service providers are approved to participate in the ESA program. This will enable families to easily explore where they can and can’t use their ESA funds. 

It’s important to note that schools that participate in the program must operate within the state of Alabama and comply with privacy, occupancy, health, and safety codes. 

Other school choice options in Alabama

In addition to this new program, Alabama has two other programs under the Alabama Accountability Act already in place to support private school choice. Alabama’s Education Scholarship Program provides tax-credit scholarships of up to $10,000 for students whose household income is below 250% of the federal poverty level (approximately $75,000 for a family of four) and students with Individualized Education Plans who wish to attend a public or private school of their choice. Nearly 3,000 students currently participate in this program. 

The Alabama Accountability Act also allows families in priority schools to claim an income tax credit for the cost of moving their child to a different public or qualifying private school. 

It’s important to note that students cannot participate in these programs and the new tax-credit ESA program simultaneously. 

Learn more

With the CHOOSE Act, Alabama joins a growing list of states giving parents greater control over their children’s education and investing in students’ futures.

Alabama is the fourteenth state to pass an education savings account, and the eleventh state to establish an educational choice program accessible to all students. Some states that passed ESAs last year, such as Arkansas, have established a “phase-in” period similar to that of Alabama’s program. Other states that expanded choice programs in 2023 include Iowa, Florida, Utah, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, Montana, and South Carolina.

As Alabama’s new tax-credit ESA program is set up, we expect to see more information soon. Stay tuned for further updates!

To learn more, families can visit the Alabama State Department of Education.

Empowering Black Families in School Choice

As we celebrate Black History Month, National School Choice Week is proud to offer your organization a carefully crafted toolkit to help you mark this important month. This toolkit sheds light on valuable insights and effective strategies for engaging with Black families about school choice. By analyzing data and adopting appropriate messaging, you can establish better connections with Black parents and empower them to make informed decisions about their child’s education. Together, let us uplift Black families and honor Black History Month by empowering them to choose their own educational path.

What Does the Data Say?

Increased Parental Involvement Amid Remote Learning

High Support for School Choice Policies

Limited Opposition to School Choice Policies

Accessibility of School Choice Policies

Putting it into Context

The History of Freedom Schools

In the 1960s, during the Civil Rights Movement Mississippi Freedom Schools became the symbol of Black education in terms of school choice. These schools offered an alternative and empowering educational experience to Black students who were subject to education segregation. 

The curriculum of Freedom Schools extended beyond traditional subjects and emphasized Black history, culture, and civic engagement. In Mississippi, Black students had the opportunity to explore their creative talents, develop political ideas, and expand their knowledge. They aimed to instill a sense of pride and activism in the students.

Inspired by the success and impact of the Mississippi Freedom Schools, similar initiatives sprang up in other parts of the country. Activists and community organizers saw the potential of these schools as a tool for empowerment and community mobilization. Freedom Schools began to appear in various states, particularly in areas where racial segregation and discrimination persisted.

The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program

Fast forward to the 1990s, when the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program gained momentum. Established in 1990, this initiative introduced school vouchers, making it possible for low-income families, predominantly Black families, to use public funds for private school tuition. 

Through the use of school vouchers, this initiative ensured that families who may have otherwise struggled to afford private school tuition could now send their children to non-public schools that may better fit their family’s needs. Today, the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program is one of the 25 voucher programs available across the United States, providing countless families with the opportunity to find the best educational fit for their child.

For many Black families, school choice represents an opportunity to have a say in their children’s education. By having the option to choose between public, private, charter, magnet, homeschool, or microschool, parents can seek an environment that aligns with their educational priorities for their children. The notion of empowerment through choice echoes the historical legacy of Freedom Schools and the creation of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, where education serves as a means of empowerment and liberation.

Unveiling the Messages that Resonate with Black Families

Crafting messages that resonate with Black families is crucial for engaging them in conversations about school choice. Two key themes have been found to be effective in this regard – Liberation and Empowerment. The Liberation theme emphasizes the need to break free from traditional constraints, while Empowerment recognizes Black families’ desire to shape their children’s education actively. By taking a holistic approach that incorporates these themes, the power of choice can become a force that opens doors to a world where every child can thrive. To develop messaging that resonates with Black families, we recommend using the following recommendations as inspiration or adapting them to better suit your audience.

Liberation: Breaking Chains in Education

Liberation is crucial for Black parents in education. It means breaking free from traditional constraints and embracing autonomy in shaping their children’s learning journeys. 

Typical Messaging

“Enhance your child’s education by choosing a learning environment that resonates with their strengths and talents. Unlock the best for your child.”

Liberation Messaging

“Imagine a world where education knows no bounds—a world where your child’s potential is not confined by traditional norms. Embrace the liberation of choice, where alternative educational paths break the chains of convention. Your child deserves an education as unique as their dreams, and the power to choose opens doors to a limitless future.”

Empowerment: Fostering Strength and Independence

Black families want to actively shape their children’s education and make informed decisions. Empowering narratives position parents as advocates and architects of their children’s academic destinies.

Typical Messaging

You know your child best. School choice allows families to find the best educational fit for their children, providing a fulfilling and personalized learning journey.”

Empowerment Messaging:

“You are the architect of your child’s academic destiny. Empower yourself with the tools to make informed decisions about their education. Take charge, stand as a strong advocate, and mold a learning environment that reflects your values. The power to choose is the key to unlocking your child’s full potential.”

“Education is not one-size-fits-all; it’s a tailored journey for each unique mind. Explore diverse opportunities that nurture your child’s growth, skills, and excellence. From specialized programs to innovative approaches, the power to choose means unlocking doors to a world where your child thrives and realizes their fullest potential.”

Use this text template for your newsletter:

Happy Black History Month! [Your organization’s name] is delighted to highlight and celebrate the significant strides being made by Black families in the realm of education through school choice. Our organization advocates for policies that promote school choice for all families, regardless of their background. We aim to empower the Black families during Black History Month by promoting school choice and amplifying their voices through recent data:

To find hundreds of school choice resources, visit www.schoolchoiceweek.com.

Learn more

Explore further insights and resources on school choice within the Black community by checking out the following individuals, organizations, and helpful links:

Christal Gamble-Banks

National School Choice Week Parent Ambassador, Homeschool Mom and Advocate 



Jae Carter

Founder of Homeschool Yo Kids



Cheryl Cromwell

Executive Director of Charleston Rise


Deborah Hendrix

Executive Director of Parents Challenge 


Fourth Annual Prince George's School Choice Fair

Leroy Nesbitt

Executive Director of Black Student Fund


Delvin Champagne, MS, ATP (@delvin4health) / X

Delvin Champagne

Founder of PAEO (Parents Alliance for Education Options)


The NSCAF team expresses gratitude to EdChoice for contributing their expertise and data to this toolkit.

School Fairs During National School Choice Week 2024

Whether you are choosing your child’s first school, or whether you want to find a new or different school for your daughter or son, National School Choice Week is the time to start exploring public, charter, magnet, private, online, and home education environments!

National School Choice Week 2024 featured school fairs in cities across the country. Independently planned by local organizations, these events provided parents with the opportunity to meet with representatives from a variety of different schools—all in one place.

2024 School Fair Quick Facts

In Total:

34 School Fairs

Took Place in

26 States

Planned by

34 Nonprofits

Click on a photo to view the magic!

Journalists are welcome to use these images to complement their coverage of the Week. Photo credit should be attributed to the National School Choice Awareness Foundation.


Anchorage School Choice Celebration

Mon, January 22, 2024


Alaska School Choice hosted an exciting school fair. Through educational booths and inspiring guest speakers, the fair aimed to empower families to navigate Alaska’s school landscape and advocate for the choices that work best for their child!


Tucson School Fair

Fri, January 19, 2024


Phoenix School Fair

Sat, January 20, 2024


NavigateED and Families Empowered hosted a collaborative fair where families had the chance to meet with representatives from more than 20 schools, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, and private schools. The Tucson fair was full of fun and educational activities including face painting, music, and more!

Hosted by Choose A School families had the chance to meet with representatives from more than 50 schools, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, and private schools. The Phoenix school fair provided an array of family-fun activities catered to all ages, including music, face painting, and an exciting balloon drop!


Little Rock School Fair

Sat, January 20, 2024

Little Rock

Hosted by The Reform Alliance, Little Rock families had the opportunity to meet representatives from more than 20 schools, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, and private schools. The Little Rock school fair was bustling with family-friendly activities that made children of all ages smile from ear to ear.


Oakland Registration Day

Sat, January 27, 2024


Anaheim Homeschool Information Afternoon

Thu, January 25, 2024


Orange County School Fair

Sat, January 27, 2024


Los Angeles School Fair

Sat, January 20, 2024

Los Angeles

Hosted by Oakland Enrolls, Oakland families had the opportunity to learn about your local charter school options and get your enrollment questions answered.

Los Angeles families had the opportunity to explore local independent schools, attend workshops, and enjoy family fun at the school fair hosted by the California Policy Center and La Union de Padres in Los Angeles. The fair featured family friendly activities including a student showcase and more!


Denver School Fair

Sat, January 20, 2024


Colorado Springs School Fair

Sat, January 27, 2024

Colorado Springs

The Denver School Fair, hosted by Transform Education Now, was an exhilarating event that gave families in Colorado the chance to connect with over 30 schools! From informative conversations to interactive activities, the fair was an incredible opportunity for families to discover their perfect educational match.

The Colorado Springs School Fair was hosted by Parents Challenge, where more than 60 schools, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, and private schools, had booths and tables for parents to explore!


New Haven School Fair

Sat, January 27, 2024

New Haven

The New Haven School Fair provided parents with an opportunity to learn more about K-12 education options. Hosted by Choose A School and New Haven Public Schools the fair had over 20 schools with booths and tables, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, and private schools!


Wilmington School Fair

Sat, January 27, 2024


The Wilmington School Fair was an exciting event hosted by DelawareCAN. Parents had the opportunity to explore more than 20 schools, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, and private schools. The fair provided a great chance for parents to discover various options for their child’s K-12 education!


Tampa School Choice Safari

Sat, January 27, 2024


The Tampa School Choice Safari, hosted by GuidED, featured over 30 schools, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, and private schools, each with their own booths and tables. The fair was filled with family-friendly activities, live music, and more!


Atlanta School Choice Expo

Sat, January 20, 2024


GeorgiaCAN hosted an Atlanta school fair, connecting families with representatives from over 60 schools. It was a fantastic chance for families to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions about their children’s education. The fair was jam packed with family-friendly activities, food, and more!


Honolulu School Fair

Sat, January 20, 2024


Hosted by HawaiiKidsCAN, families at the Honolulu school fair had the opportunity to meet representatives from over 20 schools, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, and private schools. The fair was jam-packed with entertaining family fun including lively student performances.


Idaho School Fair

Sat, January 20, 2024


The Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families hosted the Boise School Fair with over 20 schools available for families to explore and learn about their educational options. The Boise School Fair was bustling with various family fun festivities like face painting, music, and more!


Des Moines School Fair

Sat, January 27, 2024

Des Moines

The Des Moines School Fair was an exciting event hosted by Iowa Alliance for Choice in Education, where more than 20 schools, including private schools, homeschool groups, virtual schools, traditional public schools, and charter schools, had booths and tables.


Prince George’s School Fair

Sun, January 28, 2024


The Prince George’s County School Fair hosted by the Black Student Fund and Parents Alliance for Education Options, was an exciting event that highlighted a range of educational options and support organizations. Attendees had the chance to explore local traditional public schools, public charter schools, private schools, and homeschool options, and also participate in a panel discussion on school choice. The event also featured family-friendly entertainment like face painting, a DJ, and refreshments


Las Vegas School Fair

Sat, January 20, 2024

Las Vegas

Hosted by Nevada School Choice Coalition, families in Las Vegas got the chance to meet a representative from more than 80 schools, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, and private schools at the Las Vegas school fair. The fair was full of family-friendly activities, student performances, face painting, and other entertainment that the whole family could enjoy!

New Hampshire

Manchester School Fair

Sat, January 27, 2024


The Manchester School Fair hosted by the Children’s Scholarship Fund was a thrilling event where over 20 schools, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, and private schools, showcased their offerings through booths and tables!

New Mexico

Albuquerque School Fair

Sat, January 20, 2024


Hosted by Public Charter Schools of New Mexico, families at the Albuquerque school fair had the opportunity to meet representatives from over 20 schools, including public charter schools, traditional public schools, magnet schools, and private schools. The fair was jam packed with family fun activities like face painting, student performances, and more!

North Carolina

NC Charter School Fair

Sat, January 27, 2024


The NC Charter School Fair was an exhilarating event that showcased over 20 public charter schools, offered free food and family activities, and was hosted by the North Carolina Association for Public Charter Schools.


Northwest Ohio School Fair

Sat, January 27, 2024



Oklahoma City School Fair

Sat, January 20, 2024

Oklahoma City

Tulsa School Fair

Thu, January 25, 2024


The Tulsa School Fair, hosted by Choice Matters, was an exhilarating event that showcased over 20 schools, ranging from traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, to private schools, all of which had exciting booths and tables that left attendees buzzing with excitement.


Salem School Fair

Sat, January 20, 2024


Education Freedom for Oregon hosted a dynamic fair, giving families the chance to meet with representatives from more than 20 schools. Students also had the opportunity to showcase their creativity and win prizes through a contest, expressing why they liked their school or how school choice positively impacted them academically.


Pittsburg School Fair

Sat, January 27, 2024


The Pittsburgh School Fair, hosted by PA Families for Education Choice, featured over 30 schools, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, and private schools, with booths and tables for attendees to explore and discover the perfect fit for their families!

Rhode Island

Providence School Fair

Sun, January 21, 2024


The Providence School Fair, hosted by Rhode Island Families for School Choice, was an electrifying event, where over 20 schools, ranging from traditional public schools to private schools, set up booths and tables, offering free food and family activities to the attendees.


Houston School Fair

Sat, January 27, 2024


Austin School Fair

Sat, January 20, 2024


San Antonio School Fair

Sat, January 20, 2024

San Antonio

The Houston School Fair was a thrilling event hosted by Families Empowered, where over 40 schools, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, and private schools, had booths and tables, and attendees enjoyed free museum admission.

Families Empowered hosted a Texas-sized fair in Austin with representatives from over 40 schools—traditional public, charter, magnet, and private. Families explored, enjoyed, and discovered education options in a lively and entertaining atmosphere with free admission to the Bullock Museum.

The San Antonio School Fair, hosted by San Antonio Charter Moms, featured over 35 schools, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, and private schools, with booths and tables, and the first 1,000 guests received FREE admission into the DoSeum as well as the opportunity to win a $100 gift card to Walmart by completing the school fair scavenger hunt.


Provo School Fair

Sat, January 27, 2024


The Provo School Fair was an exciting event hosted by Freedom Prep Academy, where over 20 schools, including public and private institutions, had booths and tables, providing free food and family activities for all attendees to enjoy.


Clallam County School Fair

Sat, January 20, 2024

Port Angeles

Hosted by Olympic Christian School, families had the chance to meet representatives from over 20 schools, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, and private schools. The Clallam school fair was jam-packed with tons of family-friendly activities, live music, and face painting! 

West Virginia

Morgantown School Fair

Sat, January 27, 2024


The Morgantown School Fair, hosted by the Cardinal Institute and Love Your School, was a thrilling event featuring over 30 schools, including public charters, private institutions, and traditional public schools. Attendees enjoyed browsing booths, as well as a student showcase featuring incredible musical and dance performances. The student art gallery and competition was also a hit, with attendees voting for their favorites and winners receiving prizes!

National School Choice Week (NSCW) informs, inspires, and empowers parents to discover the K-12 education options available for their children, including traditional public, charter, magnet, online, private, and homeschooling.

Every January, tens of thousands of schools, organizations, and individuals plan unique events and activities to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options in their communities.  The Week is a project of the nonpartisan, nonpolitical National School Choice Awareness Foundation.

Search for Schools Near Me

School Type
Traditional public schools do not charge tuition. They are managed by school districts and do not require students to pass tests to enroll.
Public charter schools do not charge tuition. They are usually managed by nonprofit organizations and do not require students to pass tests to enroll.
Public magnet schools do not charge tuition. They are managed by school districts and focus on themes, such as math, science, technology, and the arts.
Private schools charge tuition, but scholarships are often available via state programs or by individual schools. Private schools are privately managed and can be faith-based or secular.
Grade Levels

NSCW 2024 School Celebration Recap

During National School Choice Week 2024, the entire country is abuzz with excitement! Whether it’s school fairs, flagship events, or school celebrations, people from all over of all ages are coming together to celebrate the wonderful idea that every child should have the opportunity to learn, grow and excel. Thousands of students, representing traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, homeschools, and microschools, are thrilled to share what school choice means to them and why they love their schools.

Scroll through these uplifting photos, where the essence of School Choice Week captures the joy, possibilities, and freedom that educational choice brings to every child. 

Watch this heartwarming video of Mozart and Einsteins Preschool children showcasing their school celebration!

North Florida School of Special Education, Florida

Bright smiles and engaged little learners showcase love for their school.

Alexander Preschool, California 

These enthusiastic learners are beaming with joy for the love of their school.

Danville Christian Academy, Kentucky

These enthusiastic students celebrate school choice with illustrated placards.

The Academy for Young Achievers, Indiana

These eager faces are shining in support of their school.

Calvary Christian School, Ohio

Bright smiles and colorful signs mark School Choice Week.

Colorado Early Colleges Fort Collins High School, Colorado

The energy of these engaged learners is contagious as they celebrate School Choice Week.

Saint John’s Day School, Mississippi

These engaged learners light up the room with their smiles, celebrating the power of school choice.

Dickens Sanomi Academy, Florida

Illustrated placards in hand, these kiddos shine a light on the love of learning.

Discover exciting events near you with our Ultimate Guide to NSCW 2024 and experience the magic of School Choice Week!

Are you covering National School Choice Week 2024? Check out our multimedia page, where you will find media resources and spokesperson contact information.

Capitol to Capitol: NSCW 2024 Capitol Celebration Recap

As School Choice Week unfolds across the nation, the spotlight is now on the vibrant Capitol celebrations that have taken center stage this Tuesday in various states. This weeklong celebration has been a dynamic exploration of the diverse and empowering educational opportunities available to students and families.

Throughout our country, state capitols have become centers of enthusiasm. State leaders, advocates, and educators come together to celebrate all forms of school choice, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online learning, homeschooling, and microschooling and mix-and-match learning. From engaging discussions to podium speeches emphasizing the importance of educational choice, the atmosphere is charged with excitement.

Join us as we delve into the heart of Capitol festivities that unfolded, revealing the shared commitment to educational opportunities.

Click on a photo to view the magic!

Journalists are welcome to use these images to complement their coverage of the Week. Photo credit should be attributed to the National School Choice Awareness Foundation.

Take a virtual journey with us through the recap of celebrations from capitol to capitol. Scroll through and click on any event that catches your eye to delve deeper into the details and even view photos from each event!

Denver, Colorado

In the heart of Denver, the state capitol turned into a vibrant celebration as hundreds gathered to cheer for school choice. With banners waving and excitement in the air, Colorado families showed that when it comes to education, the Mile-High City knows how to reach new heights!

Salt Lake City, Utah

Utah brought the party to the capitol, featuring nearly 40 charter schools and dazzling student performances. It was a spirited gathering full of energy, music, and a showcase of Utah’s fantastic educational options.

Des Moines, Iowa

In the heartland of Iowa, students from across the state gathered at the capitol to express why school choice matters.

Lansing, Michigan

In Lansing, Michigan, students, parents, and educators transformed the capitol into a lively celebration of educational choices. Students took a special tour, making it an experience beyond school choice – it was about exploring history with a joyful twist!

Topeka, Kansas

Topeka was an epicenter of excitement as the Kansas Capitol Celebration kicked off with speakers and student tours, raising awareness about K–12 education options.

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania took center stage as Harrisburg’s capitol became a grand theater featuring student and parent speakers. The capitol echoed with inspiring stories, creating a symphony of voices advocating for the importance of school choice.

Didn’t get a chance to attend? Don’t worry! There are a variety of exciting family-friendly events happening across the country this week that you won’t want to miss!

Are you covering National School Choice Week 2024? Check out our multimedia page, where you will find media resources and spokesperson contact information.

A Glimpse into How Homeschoolers Celebrate National School Choice Week

National School Choice Week 2024 is on the horizon, and homeschoolers are gearing up to turn this annual celebration into an epic extravaganza of joy, creativity, and educational freedom. From sharing curriculum ideas to hosting community events, homeschoolers across the nation are coming together to make School Choice Week a vibrant and exciting time for all. Let’s dive deeper into how homeschoolers across the nation are transforming School Choice Week into a vibrant showcase of their unique educational journey.

A Reflective Celebration: United Homeschool Heroes

As the anticipation for School Choice Week builds, homeschoolers take a moment to do more than just skim the surface of their educational choices. It’s a time for deep reflection to appreciate the freedom homeschooling offers. The growth of homeschooling is not just seen in numbers but also in the vibrant communities that it promotes. Local homeschooling groups are not only organizing events but are multiplying in number and diversity. This growth signifies that more families are actively seeking the support of like-minded families, turning School Choice Week into a true spectacle of united homeschool heroes.

School Choice Week, for homeschoolers and homeschooling families, is important because sometimes we forget how powerful it is to build community. School Choice Week gives homeschoolers the chance to see their conscious choice in action.

Jae Carter, Homeschool Yo Kids

Community Engagement: Homeschoolers in the Limelight

During School Choice Week, local homeschooling groups come together to organize community events that go beyond the ordinary. Armed with passion, enthusiasm, and knowledge, homeschooling families seize the opportunity to educate others about the wonders of homeschooling. These events help build a supportive network of parents who connect not only as educators but as a community. To get a better sense of how homeschoolers celebrate, take a look at some examples:

Homeschooling Expo

Jae Carter, the organizer of the Homeschooling Expo, believes that creating a fun-filled event where families can come together is essential. At the Expo, parents can learn how to tailor their teaching. The Homeschooling Expo will offer an exciting and interactive experience where parents can explore various curriculum options and discover innovative teaching methods that are tailored to their children’s unique learning styles. The workshops and seminars provide valuable insights into the latest homeschooling trends and help parents make informed decisions about their children’s education. In addition to the academic aspect, the Homeschooling Expo also focuses on the social and emotional aspects of homeschooling. Parents can connect with other homeschooling families, build supportive networks, and find a sense of belonging. 

Homeschool Information Afternoon in Anaheim

Broadway Productions is hosting a homeschool information event where parents will get the chance to connect with the local homeschooling community and gain valuable insights into the homeschooling process. It will feature experienced homeschooling speakers who will share their insights on the homeschooling process, including tips and tricks to ensure success. Attendees will also have the opportunity to connect with local homeschooling families and learn about local resources available to support their homeschooling journey.

Flourish 2024: Homeschool Conference

The Georgia Black Home Educators Network is hosting a Black Family Homeschool Conference event where parents can learn more about educating their children at home. The conference will provide valuable information to parents on how they can support their children’s education and become better advocates for their kids. It will also provide opportunities for families to connect with other homeschooling families, share resources, and learn from each other. The conference will include a variety of workshops, panel discussions, and other activities that will help empower homeschooling families and inspire them to make a positive impact on society.

The goal is to empower other parents. It’s like a team effort, with homeschoolers joining forces to showcase that there are numerous ways to help kids learn and thrive.

Jae Carter, Homeschool Yo Kids

Gratitude Unleashed

More than just a celebration, School Choice Week is a way to showcase gratitude in educational choice. It’s an explosion of gratitude that adds a touch of warmth to the entire celebration, acknowledging the collaborative effort that makes homeschooling and school choice an enriching experience.

By reflecting on their choices, showcasing achievements, engaging with the community, participating in creative learning activities, advocating for educational freedom, and expressing gratitude, homeschoolers paint a vivid tapestry of the vibrant and diverse landscape of educational options available to families nationwide. So, grab your party hats because the homeschooling extravaganza during School Choice Week is where the spotlight shines on freedom, flexibility, and an abundance of fun in education! 

Tips for an Unforgettable School Choice Week

1. Engage the Community: Collaborate with local homeschooling groups and organizations to maximize the impact of your celebration. Shared experiences and pooled resources can lead to more extensive and diverse connections during School Choice Week.

2. Spread the Word: Be an advocate for homeschooling not just within the community but beyond. Use School Choice Week as a platform to share your positive experiences on social media, local news outlets, or through community newsletters. Education through storytelling can be a powerful tool.

3. Document the Fun: Capture the moments of joy, learning, and creativity during School Choice Week. Create a scrapbook, blog, or video montage to commemorate the experiences and share them with the homeschooling community, inspiring others to celebrate their unique journeys.

4. Reflect and Plan for the Future: Use School Choice Week as a reflective period not only on the past year but also on your future homeschooling goals. Set new objectives, explore innovative teaching methods, and continue refining your approach to create an even more enriching learning environment for your children.

Check out our Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling for more information on all that homeschooling has to offer.

Making the Moment Matter: National School Choice Week 2024 Key Information

Looking for event information? Head to our guide to NSCW 2024.

Events & Activities:

  • More than 27,000 schools are planning community events across the country to celebrate their staff, students, and families and welcome interested parents. This includes:

  • 9,541 Traditional or Magnet Public Schools
  • 5,097 Public Charter Schools
  • 7,871 Private Schools
  • 2,366 Pre-Schools or Learning Centers
  • 1,342 Online, Home, or Microschooling options

  • We’re anticipating more than 1 million families exploring their school choice options using NSCW resources online.
  • Activities include school fairs, movie nights, capitol rallies, field trips, parades, talent shows, and more. Across the country, dozens of iconic state landmarks will light up in School Choice Week’s official colors, red and yellow. 
  • More than 60 large-scale events with statewide impact are being planned for National School Choice Week 2024.


  • National School Choice Week 2024 begins on Sunday, January 21, and ends on Saturday, January 27.
  • This will be the fourteenth annual celebration of National School Choice Week. The first celebration of National School Choice Week was in January 2011.


  • The goal of National School Choice Week is to raise awareness about the K-12 education options available to families in communities across the country. During the Week, participants also shine a spotlight on the benefits of opportunity in education and providing parents with access to a variety of education environments for their children.
  • National School Choice Week does not prefer one type of education environment over another. Instead, we invite schools of all types – along with homeschooling groups and families – to use the Week to spotlight their achievements and accomplishments. National School Choice Week is nonpartisan, nonpolitical, and committed to including all school choice perspectives (traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online academies, homeschooling, and microschooling) in the celebration.
  • The Week is held every January to empower parents to choose schools for their children during the best time of year to start the process of selecting a school. We also offer resources for parents that explain all the education options available in each type of school state-by-state. These can be found at schoolchoiceweek.com/mystate.
  • In 2023, the nation witnessed significant changes in education. National School Choice Week is dedicated to providing clarity for families in this evolving educational landscape. The event seeks to offer thorough responses to parents’ questions, helping them navigate and discover the most suitable school options for their children.
  • National School Choice Week is committed to assisting the entire U.S. population, and to that end, the Week features a project specifically designed for Hispanic families called “Conoce tus Opciones Escolares“. Getting information about the K-12 system has consistently been challenging for Spanish-speaking parents. This project was established in 2022 in direct response to the needs of bilingual families making educational decisions.

About School Choice:

  • School choice means giving parents access to the best K-12 education options for their children. These options include traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online learning, homeschooling, and microschools or mix-and-match learning. National School Choice Week is an annual effort that helps parents raise awareness of these options.
  • The Week is the best time for families to consider their education options for the next school year. Not only do great local schools in every community use the opportunity to connect with the community, but National School Choice Week provides parent-oriented resources that explain every type of school available in their state and provide the next steps to pursue any of them. 
  • The National School Choice Awareness Foundation‘s January 2–4, 2024, survey shows a growing acceptance of school choice in the post-pandemic era. Key findings include a 35% increase (72% in 2023 compared to 52% in 2022) in parents considering new schools for their children. Additionally, 64% of parents express a desire for more information about education options, and only 29% believe the same school type suits all their children.
  • School choice is important because every child deserves an effective, challenging, and motivating education that inspires them to be successful and achieve their dreams. However, children learn in different ways and have different talents, skills, and challenges. What might be a good school for one student might not be a good fit for another child. School choice allows parents to identify the best learning environments for their individual children. Across the country:
  • In 2023 states fully embraced school choice, expanding options across traditional public, charter, magnet, private, online, and home education options. The push for school choice gained momentum due to the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and parents want to keep making active choices about their children’s education.
  • The school choice movement has been gaining momentum for over 30 years, and today, nontraditional environments like homeschooling have become one of the fastest-growing forms of education. This trend underscores parents’ strong desire to find schools that best meet the needs of their children.
  • 46 states allow the creation of public charter schools. There are currently more than 7,600 charter schools in the U.S. serving about 3.5 million children. 
  • All 50 states allow for the creation of magnet schools, which are theme-based public schools focusing on subjects such as math, science, technology, or arts. More than 4,000 magnet schools serve children across the country.
  • All 50 states have private school options for families. In 32 states, parents can access state-sponsored private school scholarships or tax deduction programs. Combined, these programs benefit well over 1 million children.
  • 36 states offer full-time, free online learning options for grades K-12. 
  • All 50 states provide parents with the freedom to homeschool their children.

Solving the School Rating Puzzle: A Parent’s Guide to Evaluating School Information Online

Choosing the right school for your child is an important decision, and the internet is a goldmine of information. However, sometimes, what can seem like a tool in your school decision process can also hinder your search. To guide you in making savvy choices about your child’s education, it’s essential to know how to navigate through the sea of school information online.

We’ll be your guide in evaluating school information that you find online. We’ll also help you break down and better understand school ratings and reviews and equip you to spot any warning signs that a school might not be the best fit for your child.

By following the steps in this guide, you’ll be ready to make the right decision about your child’s education. We understand it can feel like an overwhelming task, but with the right information, you will be ready to pick the perfect school for your child’s school journey, whether you choose a traditional public school, public charter school, public magnet school, private school, online learning, homeschooling, or microschooling and mix-and-match learning.

Explore Accreditation, Ratings, and Reviews 

What is Accreditation?

One essential step to evaluating and deciphering school information is checking accreditation. This is a crucial step to consider when picking a school that is right for your child. Because a lot of schools go through a rigorous accreditation process, you can use it as a marker of commitment to meeting certain education standards. Accredited schools are periodically re-evaluated to ensure that they continue to meet the established standards.

By choosing an accredited school, you can:

  • Verify teaching methods and faculty qualifications
  • View offered student services
  • Be confident that your child is receiving a quality education that upholds recognized educational benchmarks. 

To verify a school’s accreditation status, you can visit the website of the accrediting agency or contact the school directly. It is important to note that accreditation is not the only factor to consider when selecting a school, but it is a significant indicator of a school’s commitment to providing a quality education to its students. Fewer than half of states require public schools to maintain accreditation.

Non-Public School Evaluation Resources

It’s important to note that accreditation and ratings work differently for private school and homeschooling options vs. public-sector schools. So, don’t be alarmed if there seems to be a lack of information in these categories. We often receive inquiries from families who are looking for accredited private or homeschooling options for their children. It’s important to note that accreditation is typically handled by private agencies, so there is no one-size-fits-all standard that parents should be aware of. Rather, accreditation should be viewed as a means to an end. For most families, their primary concern is ensuring that their child can demonstrate completion of high school and receive a high-quality education that will prepare them for college or employment opportunities.

Colleges and employers are used to evaluating students who have graduated from private or homeschooling options, and almost always are prepared to accept a non-public diploma provided it conforms to the private or homeschooling guidance in their state.

Finding evaluation information for non-public schools can be a bit challenging, as they are not as standardized as public schools. However, there are several resources and strategies you can utilize to gather valuable insights. For non-public school options it’s best to contact and consult educational associations that focus on non-public schools like the Council of American Private Education (CAPE) or the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) Both associations provide other rating and evaluation resources that you can use to gain valuable insight. 

Ratings and Reviews

In the digital age, parents have an abundance of information right at their fingertips to help in the important decision of choosing the right school for their child. Websites like Niche, Great Schools, and state school rankings are valuable websites and tools that provide useful insight into the educational landscape, but while these websites may be great first steps, they should only serve as helpful tools/resources for evaluating school information. 

Read Between the Lines

When it comes to interpreting school ratings and reviews, it’s crucial to take a thorough approach. Although it may make sense to choose a school based on overall test scores, it’s important to note that such ratings aren’t always accurate markers of a school’s success. Instead of solely relying on scores, it’s important to delve deeper and read the reviews carefully, keeping in mind the context of the review and the source of the information.

Before making any decisions, consider 

  • Who wrote the review? If a review is written by a parent who has only had one child attend the school, their perspective may be limited. Similarly, if a review is written by a student who only attended the school for a short period of time, their perspective may not be as comprehensive as that of a student who attended the school for several years.
  • Specificity of the feedback. Reviews that provide detailed and specific feedback are more valuable than those that make vague statements without any supporting evidence. Specific feedback can highlight areas where the school is excelling, as well as areas where it may need improvement.
  • The tone of the reviews. Reviews that are overly negative or positive may not provide a well-rounded and accurate picture of the school. Instead, look for reviews that provide a balanced and thoughtful evaluation of the school.

Warning Signs to Look Out For

While positive reviews should always be noted, potential warning signs should also be monitored. One way to do this is to pay attention to recurring complaints or common issues that multiple reviewers bring up. 

For instance, if you notice that reviewers are consistently dissatisfied with the school’s management style or if you see a trend of teacher turnover, then these could be warning signs that something is amiss. Similarly, if you see that reviewers are frequently complaining about a lack of communication from the school or its staff, then this could also be a cause for concern. 

Ultimately, it’s important to trust your instincts and investigate further if you feel that something is not quite right. By doing so, you can help ensure that you make the most informed decisions possible when it comes to your child’s education.

Don’t Underestimate Social Media and Website Presence

To make an informed decision, you need to explore the school’s official website, study its social media presence, study other sources, and take advantage of any virtual tours offered. These resources provide valuable information about the school’s facilities, staff, faculty, curriculum, extracurricular activities, and overall environment.

  • When you visit the school’s website, you can find detailed information about its academic programs, admission requirements, school policies, and other essential aspects. You can also read about the school’s mission, vision, and values to gain insight into its culture and approach to education.
  • Use other sources to look up additional information. Look at any recent news involving the school to get a better sense of what their values are. Look at headlines, and search for anything interesting or concerning that might aid in your search
  • Check their social media accounts. Social media accounts can also be a valuable source of information about the school’s activities, events, and achievements. You can check the school’s Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages to see how it engages with its students and the community. You can also read comments, reviews, and feedback from current and former students, parents, and teachers.
  • Take a virtual tour of the school. Virtual tours are an excellent way to experience the school’s facilities and environment without physically being there. You can explore the campus, classrooms, labs, libraries, sports facilities, and other areas to see if they meet your expectations and needs. 

For more information on school tours, check out our video for helpful questions to ask during school tours.

Additional Tips

When navigating school information online, it may be easy to get lost on your journey. 

Asking questions during your search is a great way to make sure that you are staying on track and not overwhelming yourself. 

Some helpful questions to ask during your search may include questions like:

  • What is the school’s mission?
  • What is the school’s environment like?
  • What is the student-to-teacher ratio? 
  • Do I have to apply to the school? If so, what is the process?
  • What types of learning styles are provided?

Ensure that you are up-to-date on all policies and procedures of each school you find. It’s also good to ensure that each school you research has updated policies and procedures available for you to view. 

Find out if teachers provide one-on-one learning opportunities or tutoring for students. 

Choosing a school is a journey, not a destination. By doing your homework on insights from trustworthy websites, thorough personal research, and consideration of individual needs, you can piece together the puzzle and confidently make a well-educated decision about your child’s education. Remember, each child is unique, and the right school will be key to their individual growth and success.

Gifted and Talented Education Resources

As a parent, it’s natural to want your child to excel academically and reach their full potential. However, if your child is one of the 3.3 million students considered to be gifted, you may feel unsure about how to provide them with adequate stimulation and challenges. Rest assured, you’re not alone in this. Fortunately, numerous online resources are available to help you support your child. We’ve compiled a list of valuable resources that offer guidance, educational materials, and insights to help foster your child’s exceptional abilities.

How Do You Know If Your Child is Gifted?

Determining if you have a gifted child can be a difficult task. There is a lot of information to consider, such as definitions, traits, evaluations, and theories. It can be overwhelming to sift through all this information. Some children possess exceptional abilities that exceed the usual level for their age, which is referred to as giftedness. It can manifest in various areas, including intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership, or academic fields, such as language arts, mathematics, or science.

It’s important to remember that gifted children can come in all sorts of personalities and backgrounds, and they sometimes act differently. Parents need to be aware of this and work to identify aptitudes in these children so that they can provide the necessary support to help them reach their full potential.

If you want to understand the full range of your child’s abilities, you may consider having them tested or fully assessed. It is essential to note that there are no mandatory federal or national policies for gifted education, so it is crucial for parents to research gifted identification policies and procedures in their area before seeking any testing or assessment.

Testing and Assessments

Many parents seek evaluations of their children to determine their educational placement and access to talent development programs. If this is your goal, it is recommended to speak with a testing professional about administering an individualized test, such as an achievement or intelligence test, without a complete assessment or full report. However, this path may only provide your child’s scores with little additional information.

If you want to better understand your child’s abilities, strengths, challenges, and needs, experts recommend a full assessment. This will help you understand your child’s strengths and weaknesses and how they might impact their education and social life.

When deciding whether to pursue gifted testing or a full professional assessment, consider your goals and the questions you want to answer. You’ll find it helpful to write down the questions that led you to seek information about having your child assessed. Some ideas on what questions to ask could be:

  • What information are you hoping to uncover regarding your child’s abilities? 
  • Are you planning to use the results to qualify for a certain program? If that’s the case, which tests are accepted? 
  • Will you share the results with your child’s school? 
  • Which tests do they consider most helpful in determining a student’s learning profile? 
  • Are there any concerns you have about your child’s academic performance or behavior?

Tips for Families with Gifted Children

As a parent, raising a gifted child can be a challenging task. While it is a great joy to see their natural talents and abilities, it can also be overwhelming at times. Dealing with their struggles and helping them reach their highest potential can feel like an uphill battle. It is common for parents to feel a mix of emotions, including frustration and guilt. However, it is crucial to take that important step toward overcoming those emotions. Seeking help from experts can provide parents with the necessary support to navigate the challenges of raising a gifted child. With the right resources, parents can help their children thrive and succeed in their unique abilities.

It’s important to seek educators who use effective teaching methods that cater to your child’s unique abilities. One such approach is project-based learning, which encourages hands-on and collaborative activities that allow creative problem solving. Additionally, independent reading is a valuable tool that allows children to explore topics of interest at their own pace, further enhancing their intellectual growth. Lastly, open-ended assignments provide the opportunity to showcase critical thinking skills by allowing students to approach the task in a way that best suits their strengths and interests. By seeking out these types of teaching methods, you can ensure that your children’s education is truly tailored to their needs.

For parents of gifted children, it is important to recognize that their growth and development extend beyond the classroom. While they may excel academically, it is equally important for them to have opportunities to explore new friend groups and activities outside of school where they can find a mentor. A mentor can provide invaluable support for your child’s individual needs, talents, and interests. As much as parents may want to be everything for their children, it is not always possible. By establishing a relationship with a mentor or finding a supportive friend group, your child can receive the additional guidance and encouragement they need to thrive.

As a parent of a gifted child, you possess unique skills and strengths. However, there might be instances in which you require additional assistance in nurturing your child’s talents and needs. It is highly recommended that you explore various resources that focus on giftedness and parenting gifted children. This way, you can ensure that both you and your child are able to fully realize your potential. To assist you in this regard, we have created a comprehensive list of websites and resources to which you can refer. Be assured that you are not alone in this journey, and that there are numerous resources available to help you and your child thrive.

National Resources

The Open Education Database is a valuable resource that provides a comprehensive range of tools, information, and support to help parents of gifted children navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with raising a gifted child. From reading materials and advice on fostering creativity and critical thinking skills to practical tips on managing the social and emotional needs of gifted children, the Open Education Database is a “one-stop shop” for parents looking for resources to help their gifted child thrive.

The National Association for Gifted Children conducts research and training, advocates for education reform, communicates with stakeholders, and collaborates with other organizations to enhance the quality of education for all students.

CECTAG – Council for Exceptional Children: The Association for the Gifted is a group within the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) that helps kids with unique talents and abilities. TAG provides professional learning opportunities and resources to ensure that gifted and talented learners receive support and guidance to reach their full potential.

The Summer Institute for the Gifted has been a leader in providing summer academic enrichment opportunities and programs for students in grades K–12 who are gifted, academically talented, creative, or high-potential for over three decades. Being at the forefront of offering gifted children resources, SIG’s commitment to excellence is unwavering, and it continues to provide unparalleled support and resources to help students achieve their full potential.

The Davidson Institute provides programs, resources, scholarships, and opportunities for talented young learners, regardless of age, socioeconomic status, or location.

The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth brings together the brightest minds of the next generation and offers them unique, intellectually challenging, and socially rewarding experiences. We proudly welcome students from all communities, regardless of race, culture, gender identity and expression, twice-exceptionality, or income level.

The Acceleration Institute at the Belin-Blank Center focuses on researching the effectiveness of academic acceleration for gifted students. It aims to identify the cognitive and emotional traits that impact their success with various forms of acceleration. The institute also synthesizes existing research on acceleration and makes it accessible to educators, policymakers, and researchers. Additionally, it serves as a global hub for acceleration-related research and policy.


The Gifted Child Society (TGCS) is an educational 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization that provides tailored enrichment to gifted children in pre-kindergarten through high school. Students four years and older must meet TGCS admissions requirements to participate in TGCS programs.

Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted is a nonprofit organization that empowers families and communities to guide gifted and talented individuals to reach their goals intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually—additional articles in Spanish. 


Exquisite Minds Gifted and Creative Children—Exquisite Minds believes in the importance of cultivating creativity in bright and gifted children. Exquisite Minds offers support to parents and educators who want to challenge children to find new and constructive ways to look at the world.

Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page provides information on gifted children and adults, with over 1,150 pages, including 650 pages from Hoagies’ Page collection and 500 pages from ERIC Clearinghouse for Disabilities and Gifted Education (ERICEC). 

Exceed Expectation Learning is a commendable not-for-profit organization and blog that is passionately dedicated to providing support and guidance to families of gifted and twice-exceptional children. 

Our Gifted Kids is a blog that welcomes parents and gifted children from all over the world. It’s a safe and inclusive community offering gifted children resources and support. They advocate for better educational resources, support, and understanding of gifted children.

State-Specific Resources


The Alabama Association for Gifted Children (AAGC) is a not-for-profit organization composed of parents, educators, and community stakeholders. They work together to advocate for educational programs that meet the unique academic and effective needs of gifted children and youth in Alabama.


To discover resources for your child’s giftedness and education, visit the Alaska Department of Education. Additionally, check with your local school or district and explore social media for more information. National resources may also be beneficial in your search.


The Arizona Association for Gifted and Talented (AAGT) is a non-profit organization that unites educators, parents, and community members to enrich the education of gifted and talented students in Arizona. They offer a variety of resources for parents and educators.

The Arizona Department of Education has a helpful blog for parents of gifted children. It provides emotional support, community events, and meetups for gifted students. You can receive advice and connect with other families who share similar experiences to support your child’s growth and development.


The Arkansas Association for Gifted and Talented Education (AGATE) organization is committed to educating its members and the broader community in Arkansas about the distinct needs and traits of gifted and talented children and youth. AGATE has compiled a comprehensive list of linked resources and a spreadsheet for online learning resources specifically for gifted learners.


The California Association for the Gifted (CAG) offers resources to help identify gifted students from diverse backgrounds, including those who have been historically underrepresented or underserved. They also provide appropriate curriculum practices and responsive services to promote equity and access for these students.

The Institute for Educational Advancement (IEA) offers personalized programs that are child-centered and have been helping gifted children grow. On their site, you will find numerous helpful services and resources for both parents and students.


The Colorado Association for the Gifted and Talented (CAGT) helps families and educators understand how to support gifted learners. They offer helpful resources and articles in both English and Spanish to address the unique academic and emotional needs of gifted students.

The University of Northern Colorado provides a summer enrichment program that specifically focuses on the intellectual and emotional requirements of gifted, talented, and creative students. Additionally, they have a monthly Saturday program called Creativity Quest, designed for gifted and creative learners in grades 1–6.


The Connecticut Association for the Gifted (CAG) is dedicated to supporting the growth and development of gifted, high-potential, talented, and twice-exceptional students in Connecticut. CAG offers advocacy, enrichment, and resources to both educators and families. They provide helpful resource lists and connections to gifted enrichment programs within the state. Those interested in summer enrichment programs can also find options through CAG.


To discover resources for your child’s giftedness and education, visit the Delaware Department of Education. Additionally, check with your local school or district and explore social media for more information. National resources may also be beneficial in your search.


The Florida Association for the Gifted (FLAG) aims to share information, conduct research, and support gifted education. They offer valuable resources for families with gifted children, providing them with the necessary tools and information to help their children thrive and reach their full potential.

The Florida Gifted Network (FGN) is an organization committed to empowering gifted students in the state of Florida. FGN offers a wide range of events, resources, and links to help parents, educators, and students alike explore the full potential of gifted learners.


The Georgia Association for Gifted Children (CAGC) provides families in Georgia with gifted children access to numerous resources on their website, including links to various organizations, college programs, enrichment opportunities, competitions, and more.


The Hawaii Gifted Association offers support and resources for gifted learners, parents, and educators in the area. On their site, you can find information on gifted education programs, homeschooling resources, and strategies for nurturing giftedness.


Idaho: The Association for the Gifted provides information, resources, connections, and advocacy pertaining to the education of high-achieving and gifted students throughout Idaho. On their site, you can find numerous community resources available to parents and educators of gifted students.


The Illinois Association for Gifted Children offers valuable resources and events to support educators and parents of gifted children. Their website provides information on upcoming events and academic acceleration programs exclusively for residents of Illinois.


The Indiana Association for the Gifted (IAG) aims to educate and support meeting the academic and emotional needs of Indiana’s gifted youths. On their site, you can find helpful family and educator resources and scholarship opportunities for gifted families.


The Iowa Talented and Gifted Association (ITAG) is dedicated to equipping parents, educators, and administrators with the tools and resources they need to comprehend and address the exceptional requirements of their gifted children. Its website offers a range of resources and opportunities for Iowa residents, including resources for parents, educators, and advocacy.


The Kansas Association for the Gifted, Talented, and Creative is a great resource for educators, students, and parents in Kansas. Their website offers tailored links and resources to support the academic growth, teaching skills, and personal development of gifted students.


The Kentucky Association of Gifted Education is a nonprofit organization made up of parents, educators, and administrators. Their mission is to promote suitable educational opportunities for gifted and talented students in Kentucky. The website offers resources for both educators and parents. Here, you can find enrichment opportunities and summer programs across the state.


The Association for Gifted and Talented Students in Louisiana (AGTSLA) is an organization that offers resources to parents and educators in Louisiana who are interested in identifying gifted or talented characteristics in children and meeting their unique needs. Their resources are designed to help educators facilitate learning for gifted students in the classroom and to provide parents with helpful information for raising and supporting their gifted and high-achieving children.


Maine Educators of Gifted and Talented (MEGAT) supports gifted students and their families in Maine by providing helpful resources and enrichment opportunities and advocating for their interests. They aim to create an inclusive and empowering community for gifted learners.


The Maryland Educators of Gifted Students (MEGS) provide support and growth opportunities for educators of gifted students. Additionally, they provide GATE (Gifted and Talented) resources to parents of gifted children. On their site, you will find helpful resources and their yearly newsletter. 


The Massachusetts Association for Gifted Education (MAGE) provides a wealth of resources for educators and parents of gifted students in Massachusetts. You can access articles, a blog, and a link library that offers an abundance of resources specifically for Massachusetts.


The Michigan Association for Gifted Children (MAGC) offers valuable resources and expertise to assist parents and educators in enhancing the lives of advanced and accelerated children in Michigan. It acts as a hub for information, education, support, and advocacy for this diverse group of learners and their caregivers.


The Minnesota Council for the Gifted & Talented (MCGT) believes in building community and empowering families of gifted & talented children from all backgrounds through resources, advocacy, and support. They offer multiple resources for parents, educators, and the gifted student community.

The Minnesota Educators of the Gifted and Talented (MNEGT) provide support to both current and prospective educators of gifted students in the state of Minnesota. On their site, you can find helpful resources and news on educating gifted students. 


The Mississippi Association for Gifted Children (MAGC) provides advocacy, community, and information to support gifted children, families, and educators. Their website also offers resources for parents, educators, and assessment/testing referrals.


The Gifted Association of Missouri (GAM) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting gifted children, families, and educators. They advocate for the unique needs of gifted individuals and offer a community of support with resources for parents, educators, and students throughout Missouri.


For educators, students, and parents in Montana, the Montana Association of Gifted and Talented Education (AGATE) is an excellent resource. Their website provides custom links and resources to aid in the academic growth, teaching skills, and personal development of gifted students.


The Nebraska Association for the Gifted (NEGifted) offers a wealth of information, resources, and connections for parents and educators of high-achieving and gifted students in Nebraska. Their website is a great source for finding community resources related to gifted education.


To discover resources for your child’s giftedness and education, visit the Nevada Department of Education. Additionally, check with your local school or district and explore social media for more information. National resources may also be beneficial in your search.

New Hampshire

The New Hampshire Association for Gifted Education (NHAGE) provides families in New Hampshire with gifted children access to a range of resources on its website, such as links to different organizations, college programs, enrichment opportunities, and more.

New Jersey

The New Jersey Association for Gifted Children (NJAGC) provides valuable resources and expertise to aid parents and educators in improving the lives of advanced and accelerated children in New Jersey. They serve as a central source of information, education, support, and advocacy for this diverse group of learners.

New Mexico

The New Mexico Association for the Gifted (NMAG) is a nonprofit organization that unites educators, parents, and community members to enrich the education of gifted and talented students in New Mexico. They offer a variety of resources for parents and educators.

New York

Advocacy for Gifted and Talented Education in New York (AGATE) offers valuable resources and information for parents, teachers, administrators, and other professionals dedicated to meeting the needs of gifted and talented children. AGATE publishes a newsletter distributed nationwide, as well as additional resources.

Central New York Gifted Youth helps parents, guardians, and educators support gifted youth in the area by sharing local educational events and relevant articles.

North Carolina

The North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented (NCAGT) is a valuable source of information for educators and parents of gifted students in North Carolina. Its website provides access to articles, a blog, and a link library containing numerous resources specifically tailored to North Carolina.

North Dakota

The North Dakota Association for Gifted Children (NDAGC) is a non-profit group established by teachers, parents, academic institutions, and individuals who are dedicated to promoting the education, advocacy, community building, and research of gifted and talented children in North Dakota.


The Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC) promotes and supports gifted students’ development by sharing helpful information, advocacy, affiliate organization encouragement, and support for research and education.


The Oklahoma Association for Gifted, Creative, and Talented (OAGCT) is a non-profit organization formed by passionate volunteers who aim to unite professionals and individuals interested in nurturing gifted, creative, and talented young people. Their website provides valuable resources, including books and journals.


The Oregon Association for Talented and Gifted (OATG) advocates for gifted children’s needs, serving as a resource for families, educators, and communities, providing guidance for excellent gifted education.


The Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education (PAGE) is a nonprofit organization that aims to provide assistance to gifted children, families, and educators. Their primary goal is to advocate for the distinct requirements of gifted individuals and to offer a supportive community with resources for parents, educators, and students all over Pennsylvania.

Rhode Island

​​To discover resources for your child’s giftedness and education, visit the Rhode Island Department of Education. Additionally, check with your local school or district and explore social media for more information. National resources may also be beneficial in your search.

South Carolina

The South Carolina Consortium for Gifted Education provides professional development opportunities to educators of gifted children by sharing helpful tips, resources, and information across the state of South Carolina. On the site, you will find resources for parents, educators, and administrators. 

South Dakota

​​To discover resources for your child’s giftedness and education, visit the South Dakota Department of Education. Additionally, check with your local school or district and explore social media for more information. National resources may also be beneficial in your search.


The Tennessee Association for the Gifted (TAG) provides valuable information, resources, and connections for parents and educators of gifted students in Tennessee. Their website is an excellent source for finding community resources related to gifted education.


The Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented (TAGT) is committed to providing parents, educators, and administrators with the necessary tools and resources to understand and meet the unique needs of their gifted children. Its website offers various resources and opportunities for Texas residents, such as resources for parents and educators.


The Utah Association for Gifted Children (UAGC) aims to provide educational and emotional support for gifted youth in Utah. Their website offers resources for families and educators and scholarships for gifted students.


To discover resources for your child’s giftedness and education, visit the Vermont Agency of Education. Additionally, check with your local school or district and explore social media for more information. National resources may also be beneficial in your search.


The Virginia Association for the Gifted (VA Gifted) is dedicated to sharing information, conducting research, and supporting gifted education. They provide valuable resources for families with gifted children, equipping them with the necessary tools and knowledge to help their children thrive and reach their full potential.


The Washington Association of Educators of the Talented and Gifted (WAETG) helps educators and communities support the educational and social-emotional development of talented and gifted students by sharing academic and professional development resources.

The Northwest Gifted Child Association (NWGCA) provides support and advocacy to parents of gifted children. Their main objectives are to keep parents informed about upcoming events, involve them in speaking up for gifted education with policymakers, and connect them with other parents and leaders in gifted education.

West Virginia

The West Virginia Association for Gifted and Talented (WVAGT) is a non-profit group of parents and educators in West Virginia who understand the importance of nurturing the growth and development of gifted and talented individuals. Its website offers valuable resources and links to state and national organizations.


The Wisconsin Association for Talented and Gifted (WATG) offers parents and educators of gifted students in Wisconsin valuable information, resources, and connections. Their website is an excellent source for finding community resources related to gifted education.


The Wyoming City Schools site provides information and resources, such as assessment referrals, academic acceleration information, identification information, and more, to help families and educators of gifted youth in the state of Wyoming.