National School Choice Week Team

Escuelas privadas

Su Guía Completa de Escuelas Privadas

¿Qué tienen en común Lady Gaga, Denzel Washington, y Ariana Grande? Bueno, por un lado, todos ellos asistieron a escuelas privadas o escueekas particulares en algún momento durante su educación K-12. Hoy, hay decenas de miles de escuelas privadas en toda América. Desde escuelas Católicas, a escuelas independientes, a escuelas con currículo especial, escuelas privadas […]

The Ultimate Guide to Private School

What do Lady Gaga, Denzel Washington, and Ariana Grande have in common? Well, for one thing, they all attended private school at some point during K-12. Today, there are tens of thousands of private schools across America. From Catholic schools, to independent schools, to schools with special curricula, private schools offer students distinctive learning cultures. […]

Escuelas magnet o iman

Su Guía Completa de Escuelas Públicas Magnet

Imagine enviar a sus hijos a una escuela que parece hecha a la medida de su entusiasmo por la música o la ciencia. Imagine encontrar una escuela para sus hijos que despierte su curiosidad por la medicina o el arte. Imagine una escuela centrada en un gran tema, un tema que se utiliza como “gancho” […]


The Ultimate Guide to Public Magnet Schools

Imagine sending your daughter to a school that seems tailor-made to fit her fascination with science. Imagine finding a school for your son that sparks his curiosity about music. Imagine an entire school centered around one big theme – a theme that is used as a “hook” to help teach students about every subject. More […]

Escuelas Chárter

Guía Completa de Escuelas Públicas Chárter

Es probable que usted haya encontrado esta página porque le gustaría saber más sobre las escuelas públicas chárter y si estas son una buena opción para su hijo o hija.  Cada año millones de padres de familia exploran sus opciones escolares  cerca de su domicilio para decidir dónde su hijo pasará el próximo año escolar. […]


The Ultimate Guide to Public Charter Schools

You’ve probably come across this ultimate guide to charter schools because you’re curious about public charter schools and whether they’d be a good fit for your son or daughter. Like millions of parents every year, you’re looking up schools near you to figure out what your options are and where your child will spend the […]

The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling

Homeschooling is on the rise. During COVID-19, nearly all families found themselves educating from home. For some families, learning from home was a short-term necessity. But, others have discovered that homeschooling is a great match for their needs.  So, what is homeschooling?  It’s the process of parents educating children in the home. Many families choose […]

The Ultimate Guide to a Public School Transfer (Open Enrollment)

Tens of millions of kids across America attend traditional public schools across all 50 states. Maybe you went to one, or maybe your child attends a traditional public school. Perhaps you even decided to rent or buy a home or apartment because you wanted your child to attend the traditional public school nearby. But what […]

The Ultimate Guide to Online School – How Does Online School Work?

Whether due to lifestyle, health concerns, or other reasons, many parents are looking for a learning option that isn’t in-person. If online learning or K-12 online school is your top choice for the 2024-2025 school year, this page is for you! Online schools are different than emergency remote learning, or doing classes on Zoom, as […]

Checking in on Your Child’s Learning Progress

As a parent, one of your top priorities is to make sure that your child is learning and growing academically. It’s important to know where your child’s learning progress stands and identify areas where they may need extra help. We know that learning can be challenging sometimes, and some students might face obstacles along the […]

How to Continue Your IEP, Even if You Start Homeschooling

So, special education + homeschool? If you’re new to homeschooling and your child had special needs services in their prior public school, you are likely wondering how to continue accessing and paying for the services and therapies that they need in your new learning environment. The good news is that there are more options than […]